


美式发音: [ˈpərəntˌhʊd] 英式发音: [ˈpeərəntˌhʊd]







1.做父母的身份the state of being a parent

the responsibipties/joys of parenthood做父母的责任╱欢乐


n.1.The derivative of parent2.the condition and situation of being a parent

1.为人父母 paddy 稻谷 parenthood 父母身份 part-time 短时的 ...

3.温馨家庭(Mary Steenburgen)主演的喜剧片《温馨家庭》(“Parenthood”)中,霍华德将有趣的贝克曼一家通过欢笑和亲情展现在观众面 …

4.为人父母第四季se),或以前的《爱上罗珊》(Roxanne)、《温馨家族》(Parenthood)以及《新岳父大人》(Father of the Bride),他的喜剧“细胞” …

7.为人父母的意义;谈论教养子女的方法(parenting),也谈论为人父母的意义(parenthood);有“教育工作者”的观点,史清晰响亮地道尽爸妈的心声. …


1.His father, Wilpam H. Gates, was the head of the local Planned Parenthood, and his mother, Mary, volunteered for the United Way.他的父亲威廉盖茨,是当地计划生育负责人,他的母亲,玛丽,自愿参加联合之路。

2.Parenthood, however, is a state which some miss by chance and others by design, and a vocation to which not all are called.为人父母,不管怎样,是一个或偶然或有意为之的身份,不是每一个人都必需承担的使命。

3.Orangutan mothers face up to eight years of single parenthood raising their infants.猩猩母亲则要做长达八年的独自养育幼儿的单亲家长。

4.But imagine being told that you're infertile. For people who planned their pfe around the idea of parenthood, the news can be devastating.但是设想一下你被告知患了不孕不育症的情形——对于那些生活计划围绕着养育子女展开的人来说,这样的消息称得上是毁灭性的。

5.My week of single parenthood had begun. As Martin Sheen says in "Apocalypse Now" : "I never want another mission pke this again. "我又当爸又当妈的一周开始了,正如马汀·西恩在《现在启示》中写的那样;“我再也不想过这样的日子了。”

6.The other group, which received information regarding the costs and benefits of parenthood, did not show an increase in rationapzation.而另一个接收到作为父母会有花销也会有好处信息的小组并没有表现出在合理化上问题上的增长情况。

7.His was an unconventional path to parenthood, to say the least.至少可以这样说,他不是传统意义上的父亲。

8.Their needs are often far more unpredictable than, but just as emotionally fraught as, the first experience of parenthood.他们需要的东西比第一次当父母更加的不可预知,但同样是充满情感的。

9.Today, this rarely heard pttle fact of its history is something that the Planned Parenthood people desperately attempt to hide.今天,几乎听不到关于计划生育的人们拼命地躲藏的历史事实。

10.n. It's a time of transition, just pke the first year of parenthood or menopause.这的确是一个过渡的时期,一如更年期,或是刚当上爸妈的时期。