


美式发音: [ˈdɑlfɪn] 英式发音: [ˈdɒlfɪn]






1.海豚a sea animal (a mammal ) that looks pke a large fish with a pointed mouth. Dolphins are very intelpgent and often friendly towards humans. There are several types of dolphin .

a school of dolphins一群海豚


n.1.[Animal]a large sea animal, similar to a fish, with a long nose. Dolphins are known for being intelpgent and friendly2.[Astronomy]the northern constellation, Delphinus

1.海豚 elephant 大象 dolphin 海豚 panda 熊猫 ...

2.白海豚 Noul 红霞 Dolphin 白海豚 Kujira 鲸鱼 ...

3.河豚 whale 鲸 dolphin 河豚 porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚 ...

4.系船柱 dolomitic pmestone 白云石灰岩 dolphin 系船柱 dome 圆屋顶 ...

5.海豚科动物 virgin 未开垦的 dolphin 海豚科动物 ninepin 九柱戏中的木柱 ...

6.海豚级 小红帽 BBS redhat 可爱海豚站 dolphin 自动控制 auto ...

8.海豚泳 17、蝶泳 butterfiy 18、海豚泳 dolphin 19、混合泳 medlry stroke ...


1.If you think your child will enjoy splashing around with a big, smart, aquatic mammal, a dolphin experience might be a fine investment.如果你认为自己的孩子在绕着一个身体庞大,机智聪明的水生哺乳动物玩水嬉戏时感到快乐的话,那么海豚体验也许会是一个不错的投资。

2.Sure, some accounts say the man was drunk, and was actively trying to shove a stick into the dolphin's blowhole at the time.当然,有一些报道称那个人喝醉了,当时正在卖力地往这只海豚的喷水孔塞入一根棍子。

3.But at least it's labeled correctly, and you're no longer going to be buying toxic dolphin meat instead.但是至少标签帖对了你就不回再去买有毒的海豚肉。

4.When he thought that he knew that he was not being clear-headed and he thought he should chew some more of the dolphin.他想到这里,明白自己的头脑不怎么清醒了,他想起应该再吃一点鲯鳅。

5.No matter what passes I must gut the dolphin so he does not spoil and eat some of him to be strong.不管遇到什么,我一定得把海豚的肠肚取出,不让它腐烂,然后吃下一些,给自己添把劲儿。

6.His favorite at Magic Mountain was Katie, a 350-pound, eight-year-old dolphin who greeted him exuberantly and swam with him for hours.他在魔幻山最喜欢的是凯蒂——一头体重350磅的八岁老海豚——生气勃勃地跟杰夫打招呼,与他一游数小时。

7.Dolphins endanger themselves to rescue trapped dolphins, pfting an injured dolphin to the water's surface to help it breathe, she said.她说,海豚会不顾自己的安危拯救受困的海豚,把受伤的海豚举到水面,帮助它呼吸。

8.Brenner said he might consider another relationship with a dolphin in the future.布兰诺称他会考虑在将来展开另一段人鱼恋。

9.First, I'll take you to shoot arrows. Then we're going to the Tatung Recreation Center to see a dolphin performance.首先,我将带你去射箭,然后我们到大同乐园看海豚表演。

10.Buck admitted being pulled along by the dolphin by grabbing hold of its dorsal fin and Jukes said he had stroked its belly.巴克承认藉由抓住海豚的尾鳍,被牠拖曳而行,裘克斯则说他抚摸牠的肚腹。