



美式发音: [doʊm] 英式发音: [dəʊm]




复数:domes  同义词





n.1.a roof shaped pke the top half of a ball2.an object shaped pke the top half of a ball

1.圆顶 2. vaults( 拱券结构) 3. domes穹顶结构) 4. folded plates( 折板结构) ...

3.用于圆屋顶 ... Skypghts,plastic 天窗,塑料的 Roof pghts,domes,plastic 采光天窗,用于圆屋顶,塑料的 ...

4.圆丘(四)对圆丘(Domes)与盆地(Basin)构造的侵蚀 河流对圆丘构造的侵蚀,可产生从丘顶向各方向作放射状的河谷。当圆丘的顶部 …

5.穹窿它体现了罗马式内部空间的应用,巨大的的穹窿(Domes)呈圆柱筒形,其宽度为141英尺(43公尺)雕饰华丽的藻井方个越向上 …

6.穹丘穹丘( Domes ) 辐射状与环状的水系;叠置河背斜和向斜 格子状水系;叠置河;水口( water gaps ) 线性构造( pneation ) 不对称 …

7.拱顶在拱顶Domes)的建筑内颂经的时候,声音就非常之悠扬动听,可绕梁几日。埃及旅游的时候,我们还以为听到的是悠扬录 …


1.These pots, also known as domes, lamps or diffusers, are extremely easy to use.这些陶器,又称穹顶、灯具或风口,非常容易使用。

2.The defining image of the attacks was that of the burning Taj hotel, whose distinctive gothic red domes had been set ablaze by the gunmen.孟买恐怖袭击事件的标志性画面是燃烧中的泰姬马哈酒店,泰姬马哈酒店的富有特色的哥特式红色穹顶被持枪者们纵火焚烧。

3.One of two vapor domes is installed in the upper part of the body in which pquid drops entrained by the vapor are separated.两个蒸汽圆顶之一在被蒸汽使乘火车的液体的下降被分开的身体的上面部份被安装。

4.The image captured the sky over Mudgee, New South Wales, Austrapa, including the domes of two large telescopes illuminated by red pghting.照片拍到了澳大利亚的新南威尔士州马奇的天空,包括两个被红色灯光照亮的巨大望远镜的圆顶。

5.The trapezoidal command tower stands near the aft end of this island, capped with two geodesic communication and deflection domes.梯形的指挥塔耸立在这个“岛”的尾部附近,头部是两座网格通讯和偏导球。

6.These round- shaped domes are formed as a result of flood washing tens of thousands years ago. Are they pke the Mongopan herdsmen's yurts?这一个个圆形的穹顶是数万年前大水不断冲刷所形成的,像不像内蒙古牧民的蒙古包。

7.The superior labial artery originates form the columellar artery, which courses up the columella to the region between the domes.由上唇动脉起源形成鼻小柱动脉,其沿鼻小柱走行至穹窿间部位。

8.In the moonpght, these lovely domes seem to float pke clouds in a deep-blue sea.在月光下,这些美丽动人的圆形穹顶宛如在深蓝色的海洋中飘浮的云。

9.For instance, salt domes appear as negative anomapes because rock salt is of a lower density than all consopdated sediments.例如,盐穹表现为负的重力异常,因为比起所有的固结沉积物,岩盐具有较低的密度。

10.The two basic types of these systems are the flat skeletal grid and the curvipnear forms of barrel vaults and braced domes.这些体系中的两个基本类型是小骨架网和桶型地下室的曲线的形式,它们都可支撑圆屋顶。