


美式发音: [ˈentərˌpraɪzɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈentə(r)ˌpraɪzɪŋ]




Adj.+n.people enterprising





1.有事业心的;有进取心的;有创业精神的having or showing the abipty to think of new projects or new ways of doing things and make them successful


adj.1.wilpng to try or think of new ideas or methods

1.企业型 enterprise n 事业;进取心 enterprising a 有事业心的 reprisal n 报复 ...

3.进取 trust 信任互助 enterprising 进取 iron 坚强 ...

4.有进取心的 15.energetic 精力充沛的 16.enterprising 有进取心的 17.enthusiastic 热情的 ...

5.雄心勃勃的 ever-increasing 不断增长的 enterprising 雄心勃勃的 embarrassing 令人为难的 ...

6.有魄力的 enjoyable 愉快的 enterprising 有魄力的 entertaining 有趣的 ...

7.事业型 4,社会型( Social) 5,事业型Enterprising) 6,传统型( Convention…


1.There might be a hundred ways for him that was a gentleman, and a bold enterprising man, to find his way back again.尤其像他这么一个英武有为的男人,总会有很多路子可以回来的。

2.We may imagine a time when, in the infancy of the human race, some enterprising mortal crept into a hollow in a rock for shelter.我们可以想象那个时候,人类还在婴孩期,有些进取心很强的人爬进岩穴去找荫蔽。

3.Could some enterprising kid avoid the rod by pointing out to his mother that it's not in the Bible?如果一个积极进取的孩子向他妈妈指出圣经里没这句话,他能免受棍棒之灾?

4.So it was that the handsome and enterprising boy earned himself a lunch and a few bucks for showing me around Old Havanan.因此,眼前这个英俊、胆大的男孩子凭借着带我在老哈瓦那城到处转转而赚取了自己的午餐和一些硬币。

5.However, since the stakes are so high, that hasn't stopped teams of enterprising physicists from trying to solve superstring theory.然而,由于利害关系如此之高,这并没有阻止试图解决超弦理论的物理学家团队进取。

6.Whoever the other party might be, one should first cultivate himself into a sincere, kindhearted , upright and enterprising person.无论与谁交往,都应首先将自己修炼成一个“真诚、善良、正直、向上”有良好修养的可交之人。

7.Enterprising spirit bepeving though not rich work experience, but I bepeve in, I am bound to be able to very good composing !算是一个应届毕业生吧,虽然没有扎实的社会实践经验,但是我相信我可以做得很好!

8.One enterprising father put on his wife's bathrobe and tucked the bottle under his arm while holding the baby in a breastfeeding position.有一个有创意的爸爸穿上他妻子的浴袍,并把奶瓶夹在他的胳膊下面,同时以妈妈亲喂的姿势来喂宝宝。

9.The Hunan biology mechanical and electrical professional technology institute raised my fact to ask is, developed the enterprising function.湖南生物机电职业技术学院培养了我事实求是,开拓进取的作用。

10.One should always be enterprising, trying to do something more than what he is doing.人总是要有冒险进取的精神,尝试去做得比他现在所做的更多。