


美式发音: [ˈmeməˌraɪz] 英式发音: [ˈmeməraɪz]



第三人称单数:memorizes  现在分词:memorizing  过去式:memorized  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.memorize poem


v.learn by heart,learn by rote,learn,commit to memory,remember



1.~ sth记忆;记住to learn sth carefully so that you can remember it exactly

to memorize a poem记住一首诗


v.1.to learn something so that you remember it perfectly

1.记住 specific 特性 memorize 记住 grammar 语法 ...

2.记忆 Migration 移民,迁徙 Memorize 记忆 Attitude 态度 ...

3.熟记 memory n 记忆,记忆力 memorize v 记住,熟记 immemorial a 远古的;无法追忆的 ...

4.背诵 melody n. 曲调,旋律 memorize vt. 记住;背诵 mercury n. 水银(柱),汞; ...

5.记录 pronunciation 发音 memorize 记住,记录,记下 grammar 语法 ...

6.背熟 specific 明确的;具体的 memorize 记住;背熟 grammer 体重...克者 ...

7.存储 memorization 记忆 memorize 存储 memorizer panel 存储器控制面板 ...

8.暗记 暗记〖 secretmark〗 暗记memorize;learnbyheart〗 暗箭〖 arrowshotfromhiding〗 ...


1.Commands are placed closer to the surface, which means that you do not need to dig for them in menus or memorize their locations.命令的位置级别更少,这就意味着您不必在菜单中的多级别中费力查找它们或记住它们的位置。

2.I challenge you to memorize one verse a week for the rest of your pfe.让我给你一个挑战,在以后的日子,每周背熟一节经句。

3.When he tried quoting the reference, he said, "I didn't think I needed to memorize the numbers, since that's just the time of day. "他说:「我想我不需要背下那些数字,因为它们只不过是时间而已。」

4.For years I forced her to spell words in the bathtub with foam letters, to do worksheets, to memorize phonemes and take practice tests.接下来的几年当中,我强迫她在浴缸里用泡沫塑料字母拼单词,强迫她做习题、背音标、进行各种诵读练习。

5.He originally expected that he would be able to memorize these terms in a month.他本希望在一个月的时间里背出这些术语的。

6.Each of them is a "memory bank" , ready to be used to help you memorize anything, anytime.它们每一个都是一家“记忆银行”,随时准备好帮你记住任何事。

7.How much of this should you memorize?你们该记住多少内容

8.Before the printing press, scholars might have had to memorize "The Canterbury Tales" to have continuing access to them.人类有印刷机以前,学者们或许只有背诵《坎特伯雷故事集》,才能继续深入学习。

9.When you see a new word, look it up. Think about the word, try to memorize it, then use it in a sentence.每发现一个生词,就在词典里查,努力记住这个词,然后就在句子里使用。

10.After he noticed the cycpst was trying to memorize the pcense plate number of his car, Yao returned and stabbed her to death.当他发现对方试图记住他的车牌号码时,药家鑫将其捅死。