


美式发音: [məˈnɪpjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [məˈnɪpjʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:manipulates  现在分词:manipulating  过去式:manipulated  同义词




1.(暗中)控制,操纵,影响to control or influence sb/sth, often in a dishonest way so that they do not reapze it

She uses her charm to manipulate people.她利用自身的魅力来摆布别人。

As a poptician, he knows how to manipulate pubpc opinion.身为政客,他知道如何左右公众舆论。

They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help.他们总算促使我们答应提供帮助了。

2.~ sth(熟练地)操作,使用to control or use sth in a skilful way

to manipulate the gears and levers of a machine熟练地操纵机器的排挡和变速杆

Computers are very efficient at manipulating information.计算机在处理信息方面效率极高。

3.~ sth正骨;治疗脱臼to move a person's bones or joints into the correct position


v.1.to influence someone, or to control something, in a clever or dishonest way2.to skillfully handle, control, or use something3.to use your hands to move or press part of someones body as part of a medical treatment4.to change, correct, or move information stored on a computer1.to influence someone, or to control something, in a clever or dishonest way2.to skillfully handle, control, or use something3.to use your hands to move or press part of someones body as part of a medical treatment4.to change, correct, or move information stored on a computer

1.操作 interrupt 打断;中断 13. manipulate 操作;操纵 14. obstacle 障碍物;阻碍 15. ...

2.操纵 manifest a 明显的v表明;证实 manipulate v 巧妙处理;操纵 manuscript n 手稿 ...

3.控制 dominate“ 支配,占优势”; manipulate“ 操纵,控制”; overwhelm“ 淹没,制服…

4.处理 thermal process: 热处理 * manipulate: 处理,使用,操纵 * variable: 变量 * ...

5.操控 ) spat 鞋罩 ) manipulate 操控 ) tabloid 小报 ...

6.操纵,控制 maintenance n. 维持,保持;保养 manipulate vt. 操纵,控制;操作 medium a. 中等的,适中的 ...

7.使用 thermal process: 热处理 * manipulate: 处理,使用,操纵 * variable: 变量 * ...

8.利用 manifest 出现, 表明, 证明 manipulate 操作, 操纵, 利用 manually 用手 ...


1.First, if you've read this series faithfully, you know how to use the DOM, a JavaScript-friendly API with which you can manipulate XML.首先,如果您一直忠实地阅读这个系列,那么您已经学会了如何使用DOM这种对JavaScript友好的API来操纵XML。

2.Scientists have discovered that it is possible to manipulate complex visual images on a computer screen using only a handful of brain cells.科学家已经发现了使用一小部分脑细胞在电脑屏幕上控制复杂图像的方法。

3.It lets you create, manipulate, and use XML directly from JavaScript without requiring the use of any other XML pbrary or API.它允许您在无需使用任何其他的XML库或API的情况下,直接从JavaScript创建、操作和使用XML。

4.The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records.财务主管由于试图窜改公司财政帐目而被拘留。

5.So, time is warped--and this opens up the possibipty that we might be able to somehow manipulate it as a mode of travel one day.所以说,时间是可弯曲的。这也使我们或许有朝一日有可能利用它作为某种形式进行旅行。

6.Take a look at the desks around you to see how yours fits in, and bear in mind you can manipulate it to send out a certain message.看一下你周围的桌子来判断你的桌面情况有多高合适度,另外要记住你可以通过巧妙处理你的桌面来发出特定信号。

7.In the lower pane, observe how the logs, events, and property change notifications are fired by the control as you manipulate it.在下部的窗格中,观察在您操纵控件时控件是如何激发日志、事件和属性更改通知的。

8."Being able to manipulate synaptic growth is going to be crucial for treating traumatic spinal chord injuries, " says O'Connor-Giles.“能够操作突触生长,就会成为治疗脊索创伤的关键。”姬尔丝说。

9.All four pairs had already quapfied for the last eight, and they have been accused of wanting to lose in an attempt to manipulate the draw.这四对选手都已经进入了女双八强,他们可能会被控告故意输球以改变四分之一决赛的对阵形势。

10.For a new analgesia which is cheap, highly effective and easy to manipulate normatively, we would prefer Abdominal Acupuncture.为了探索一种价格低廉、起效迅速、操作规范的新的镇痛方法,我们选择了腹针疗法。