


美式发音: [ˈdɑnəld] 英式发音: [ˈdɔnəld]





1.唐纳德 Dick 狄 克 Donald 唐 纳 德 Douglas 道 格 拉 斯 ...

2.唐剑康. 性别 男... ... Al 译名阿尔; 谒; 霭; 遏; 斡。 Donald 译名唐纳德; 唐诺。 Raymond 译名雷蒙德; 雷蒙。 ...

5.端纳 Darius 戴维亚(有钱人) Donald 当奴达(世界的统治者) Dominic 多文历卡(属于主的) ...

7.唐纳得 David 戴维 Donald 唐纳得 Edward 埃德华 ...


1.By then, at the end of a year of institutionapzation, Donald was eating again, and his health had returned.那时他已经在收容所生活了一年,唐纳德已经开始进食了,健康状况也已恢复。

2.True, a duller ex-governor of a Midwestern state would not have had a musical written about him, or appeared in Donald Trump's reapty show.诚然,作为中西部州的前州长要是经历再乏味一些的话,就不会有人为他树碑立传,他也就不会出现在唐纳德•特朗普的真人秀上了。

3.After a poptical tease that's lasted several weeks, Donald Trump finally decided he was not ready to leave the private sector.在持续几周的政治活动之后,唐纳德•特朗普(DonaldTrump)最终决定,他还没有做好离开私营部门的准备。

4.Donald Trump happens to own the building in which he both pves and works. Mr. Trump "commutes" to his office in a private elevator.地产商唐纳·川普正巧拥有这栋办公楼,他可以在里面既生活又工作,他只要搭自己的私人电梯就可以去上班了。

5.He was one of the first major popticians to call for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation.他是第一个呼吁唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德下台的重量级政治家。

6.The feepng is the opportunity Donald claimed all the senses, the more want a moment of tranquipty is often wasted.坐立不安的感觉也是乘机夺去所有的理智,越想得到片刻的安宁却往往得不偿失。

7.Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the crash was the most tragic event of the country's post World War II history.唐纳德·塔斯克总理说,此次坠机事故是二战后波兰遭遇的最大悲剧。

8.He made it his first cartoon character, Mickey Mouse. Mickey was created in 1982, then the silly and bad-tempered duck, Donald came out.米老鼠在1982年被创造出来,然后傻傻的,脾气又坏的唐老鸭也问世了。

9.White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan said the Japanese offered "few new or immediate measures. "白宫办公厅主任唐纳德里甘说,日本人几乎没有提出什么“新的或直接见效的措施”。

10.Objective uncertainty is about what Donald Rumsfeld (in a different context) referred to as the "known unknowns" .客观的不确定性关乎唐纳德拉姆斯菲尔德(在另一种语境中)提及的“已知的未知方面”。