


美式发音: ['græbə] 英式发音: ['græbə]





1.抓取工具 ... 10.7.2 Selector (选择工具) 174 10.7.3 Grabber抓取工具) 174 10.7.4 SmartTool (多用工具) 175 ...

2.抓帧器 ... Pointer 指针 Grabber 抓帧器 Zoom In 放大 ...

3.贪心者 贪心者 grabber 爪钩 grabber ...

4.平移 2.2.3 改变视图( change view) 2.2.4 平移( grabber) 2.1. 6 状态栏( status b…

5.抓取头 Freezer 冰箱 Grabber 格雷勃 Hover ball 悬停球 ...

7.移动工具elete) 删除所有已选择的符号(需确认) 双击移动工具(Grabber) 显示全局视图 双击对象工具 选择同类型的所有符号 shift+双击 …


1.I'm sorry. My Graber is delayed due to traffic. But Mr. Grabber called just now and said he would be back soon. Would you mind waiting?很抱歉,格雷勃先生因交通阻塞未及时赶回,不过格雷勃先生打电话回来说他很快就到。请您稍等,好吗?

2.Worse still, a year ago in Madagascar the AU deplored a coup and loudly insisted that the power-grabber should stand aside.更糟糕的是,一年以前,非盟对马达加斯加的政变表示强烈谴责,并且大肆宣称夺权者应该滚一边去。

3.The North Korean leader's previous attention-grabber was the detonation of a nuclear "device" , possibly a small bomb, in October 2006.上一次对朝鲜领导人的关注是在06年10月朝鲜的一个疑似小型炸弹的核装置的爆炸。

4.and the computer used in the computer controlpng and processing system is provided with an image grabber.在计算机控制与处理系统所用的计算机中附带有图像采集卡。

5.'Red ppstick, red car or a red dress, it's definitely an attention grabber, ' he said.鲍林说,红色唇膏,红色汽车,红色连衣裙,红色无疑是最夺人眼球的颜色。

6.Secondly, it is going to use the camera and video grabber to monitor the probe station at any moment.其次,还引进了摄像头和视频采集卡技术实现对探针台的实时监控;

7.Just start your speech with that attention-grabber the way you planned it, no apologies necessary.就算你很紧张,还是就直接开始演讲吧,不需要用道歉来让听众专心听讲。

8.The proposed filter is embedded onto the frame grabber card of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) for real-time image processing.拟议的过滤器是嵌入到图像采集卡的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)的实时图像处理。

9.CD Grabber can rip or grab audio files from a CD and saves them on your hard disk in multiple formats.裁谈会夹持可以撷取或抓斗音频文件,从CD和节省您的硬盘上,在多种格式。

10.Judging from these new photos, Klaus is quite the attention-grabber at homecoming.从这些最新的剧照来看,克劳斯在返校节上备受关注。