



美式发音: [ˈdoʊnər] 英式发音: [ˈdəʊnə(r)]



复数:donors  同义词




n.1.someone who gives blood, sperm, eggs, or a part of their body to be used in the medical treatment of someone else; used about a body part that a donor has given2.someone who gives things such as money or goods to an organization, especially one that helps people

1.捐助者 ... poverty 贫穷 donors 捐赠者 governments 政府 ...

4.供体物种间的移植)几种;移植中提供器官或组织的个体称为供体Donors), 接受器官或组织的个体称为受体(Recipient)。

5.施主 Deposition Reactor 还原炉 Donors 施主 Decomposition 分散 ...

6.资助者及技术援助,并有效地使用这些资助和援助;帮助外 国资助者 (donors) 使其在中国实施的项目能够更好地发挥作用,发现、 …

7.捐款人 ... jewelry: 珠宝首饰 donors: 捐款人 pendant: 项链的坠子 ...

8.捐赠资源的线程 ... timeout;/* 毫秒 */ donors;/* 捐赠资源的线程 */ *scheduler;/* 线程调度程序人口 */ ...


1.Several sperm banks in New York City, where men are paid about $60 each time they donate, said there had not been a rise in donors.纽约市几家精子库称,捐赠者人数并无增加,男子在此捐赠每次可得到60美元。

2.One of the many great points Dave made was that donors do not give to the need; they give to the impact.戴夫最重要的观点之一就是捐款人不会按照你的需要捐款,而是根据项目的影响力进行捐助。

3.We can only ask the people of Congo to do more if we the donors are ready to ask the same of ourselves.我们可以要求刚果人民做更多的工作,如果我们这些捐助机构随时准备向自己提出同样的要求的话。

4.The Bank has a distinct comparative advantage in being associated with the grant program; it does not reppcate the role of other donors.银行在津贴项目上具有较着的比拟优势,由于它不反复其他捐助者的脚色。

5.doctors without borders is urging donors , united nations agencies and governments to increase support for ready - to - use food.“无国界医生”组织主张捐助人--联合国机构和政府--可以增加即食食品的投入支持。

6.Canadian Blood Services' plasma donors may undergo apheresis up to 52 times a year while platelet donors may donate 26 times a year.加拿大血液服务中心的血浆捐献者每年可能进行多达52次血液成分分离程序,而血小板捐献者每年可能捐献26次。

7.The cytotoxicity assays found a decrease in NK activity in patients with non secreting pituitary adenoma compared with healthy donors.细胞毒性实验证明,垂体无分泌腺瘤患者外周血中NK细胞的杀伤活性降低。

8.Even if donors meet the target, the aid may arrive in a sudden and unmanageable rush a year or two before the deadpne.即使捐助国完成目标,援助也可能是赶在截止期前一、年突然而至,难以管理。

9.The president said he visited Mr Duzer during his campaign tour to the region because he had been encouraging blood donors in his community.总统说他之所以在竞选巡演经过此地时拜访杜泽先生,是因为杜泽一直对所在社区的献血者们进行鼓励。

10.The sums involved are beginning to outstrip individual contributions from traditional donors, including multilateral development agencies.中国在非洲的投资已经开始超过传统捐赠方的单独投入,其中包括多边开发机构。