



美式发音: [doʊp] 英式发音: [dəʊp]




复数:dopes  现在分词:doping  过去式:doped  同义词

v.nobble,incapacitate,fix,tamper with,drug




n.1.a stupid person2.an illegal drug, especially marijuana3.all the information or latest news about someone or something

v.1.to give someone a drug to take away their pain or to make them sleep2.to give a person or an animal a drug so that they run faster in a race

1.掺杂 to be banned 禁止 doping 服用兴奋剂 the world record-holder 世界纪录保持者 ...

6.服用禁药 abandoned 放弃了 doping 服用禁药 stripped 取消 ...

7.掺入 doped crystal 掺杂晶体 doping 加添加剂 doping density 掺杂浓度 ...


1.Several Olympic competitors have been accused of blood doping, but so far scientists have not been able to devise a test to prove it.几名奥运会竞争对手曾被指控使用血液兴奋剂,但是目前为止科学家还没有办法进行准确的测验来这名这一点。

2.Don Catpn, a US expert on doping, said he had suggested several years ago that Viagra could be used to enhance athletic performance.美国的一位兴奋剂专家DonCatpn说,他很多年以前就提议万艾可可以被用来提高运动员成绩。

3.But when nearly all the questions at Ye's news conference focused on doping, the feisty teenager in her bubbled to the surface.但在叶诗文的新闻发布会上,当几乎所有的问题都集中在兴奋剂上,她身体里那个争强好胜的年轻人浮出了水面。

4.But World Anti-Doping Agency Director General David Howman said the matter was better left to local authorities.但世界反兴奋剂机构(WorldAnti-DopingAgency)的总干事豪曼(DavidHowman)却说,这事最好留给各国政府去做。

5.China has opened its first anti-doping agency and a state-of-the-art laboratory in Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.中国为2008年夏季奥运会在北京成立了第一个反兴奋剂中心,并建立了一个有著世界一流设备的实验室。

6.THE DOPING METHODS: Self blood transfusion was one of the first methods used.兴奋剂检查方法:自输血是第一个使用的方法。

7.If doping love, and it has nothing to do its own calculations, it would not really love.爱情里要是掺杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。

8.He was talking to delegates at an annual conference on doping in sport here in London. Here's our sports news reporter, Alex Capstick.在伦敦举行的针对体育比赛中的兴奋剂问题的年度会议上,戴维•豪曼如是对与会代表说。

9.He had not, after all, been the victim of a secret doping plan.然而终究,他也未曾成为秘密的禁药计划的受害者。

10.If Fepx is doping, you might just as well put down the starting guns for good.如果连菲利克斯都使用了兴奋剂,你干脆连发令枪都扔了吧。