




1.哆啦A梦 喜多 POKO 哆啦A梦 DORAEMON 都市贝贝 Citybaby ...

2.小叮当 机巧魔神 - Asura Cryin 机器猫 - Doraemon 机器人笔记 - Robotics;Notes ...

4.多啦A梦 DoDobee 多多蜜 Doraemon 多啦A梦 Ampai`s 恩贝氏 ...

5.多拉A梦 兰戈 rango 多拉A梦 Doraemon 海贼王 one piece ...

6.哆啦A梦机器猫 ... 《花仙子》( Hana no Ko Lunlun) 《哆啦A梦机器猫》( Doraemon) 《一刻公寓》( Maison Ikkoku) ...

7.叮当机器猫 狗窝 zerocool 机器猫小站 Doraemon 克莱恩大地 krynnland ...


1.through carefully evaluated , we decided to adopt the doraemon who had a deep effect for asian culture to be the style of the robot.经过审慎评估,我们决定采用对亚洲文化深刻影飨的小叮当,做为这款机器人的造型。

2.I've always pked Japanese anime Doraemon did not expect the Expo I have also been a return to "Little Ding Dong. "我一直都很喜欢日本动漫小叮当,没想到这次世博会我也当了一回“小叮当”。

3.Doraemon story will be brought people into A wonderful, imaginative world.哆啦A梦的故事将人们带进一个奇妙、充满想像力的世界。

4.We all think that we as Doraemon Doraemon is a treasure chest, pke, able to respond to visitors a wide range of issues.大家都认为我们就像机器猫叮当一样是个百宝箱,能够应对游客各种各样的问题。

5.angie : yap , but still , i don ' t want this wallpaper . and every time i open a program , all i see is a fool doraemon !是丫,但话说回来,我不想要这种桌面,每次我开启程式,就看到这个呆瓜小叮当!

6.The Doraemon character was selected as a cartoon cultural ambassador for Japan in 2008 to promote Japanese culture overseas.多拉A梦这个人物在2008年曾被选为卡通文化大使,促进了日本文化在海外的发展。

7.Doraemon transcends culture and language making him popular with children worldwide.多拉A梦超越了文化、语言的界限,使他受到全世界孩子的喜爱。

8.He's small, blue and now along with his creator Fujiko F. Fujio, Doraemon has his own museum.他很小,蓝色的,现在多拉A梦和他的创作者藤子•F•不二雄有了自己的博物馆。

9.Doraemon, also called doraemon, is the famous Japanese comic story of how la A dream the protagonist.哆啦A梦,又称为机器猫,是日本著名漫画故事《多啦A梦》中的主角。

10."Da Xiong preciousness palace" , asking a feebleness question: Da Xiong is who in the Doraemon?“大雄宝殿”,弱弱的问一句:是机器猫里面的大雄末?