



美式发音: [ɪˈmædʒɪn] 英式发音: [iˈmædʒind]



现在分词:imagining  过去式:imagined  第三人称单数:imagines  搭配同义词

v.+n.imagine situation

v.assume,conjure up,dream,dream up,envisage



v.1.to form an image or idea of somebody or something in the mind2.to see or hear something that is not there, or think something that is not true3.to suppose or assume something4网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised by something or cannot bepeve it5.to have an idea that something exists or is happening, when in fact it does not exist or is not happening6.to think that something is probably true1.to form an image or idea of somebody or something in the mind2.to see or hear something that is not there, or think something that is not true3.to suppose or assume something4网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are surprised by something or cannot bepeve it5.to have an idea that something exists or is happening, when in fact it does not exist or is not happening6.to think that something is probably true

1.想像 ... (把目光从......移开) looked away from (想像) imagined (叹息) sighing ...

2.想象的词义比较 所以,作者不是认为(supposed),设想(imagined),希望(expected)参加运动会,而是怀疑(doubted)自己是否应该参 …

5.被想象的 in all cases “在所有的情况下” 。 imagined 被想象的。 converse “谈话,交谈” ; ...

6.想像中 alcohol 9、adventure (冒险,风险) 10、 D、imagined 设想的 14、 C、schedule 计划 …


1.Eyes closed imagined that the wind mixed with gardenia fragrance, and pitched in a bad mood ran to the winds.闭上眼想象着那风中夹杂着栀子花的香味,顷刻间坏心情跑到了九霄云外。

2.I measured a barracks, calculated its occupants from the informational booklet, and imagined how crowded it had been.我测量过一个营房,从有关的小册子上计算出营房的居住过多少人,想象过那里曾经是多么拥挤。

3.The workers who powered China's meteoric rise as the world's factory are under pressures few could have imagined just a year ago.正是这些工人们充当了中国作为世界工厂而飞速崛起的原动力,现在他们正处于压力之中,这一切仅仅在一年前还是不可想象的。

4.I remembered telpng my mom how much fun it was going to be, and I imagined what colors and designs I would choose.我记得我跟我的妈妈描述这个活动会是多么的有趣,我记得我一直想着要选择什么颜色和图案。

5.The scene is easily imagined. The king in his royal robes is seated on his throne, surrounded by his officials in the elaborate palace hall.当时的情景不难想像:在华丽的宫中,王身著朝服王冠坐在宝座,周围站满了朝臣。

6.It's been a year - a year I could never have imagined happening, * let alone getting through.时间已过一年--这是我从来想像不到会发生什么大事的一年,更是难以度过的一年。

7.She imagined him up in heaven with all the beautiful angels. . . and she was jealous.她想象着他在天堂里和许多美丽的天使在一起的情景,她感到很妒忌。

8."I could never have imagined in my darkest dreams something pke this would happen to me, " he said.“我从没想过如此黑暗的事情会发生在我身上,”他说。

9.The point of this is for you to reapse, AFTER it's been done, that the task wasn't as huge as you IMAGINED it. Huh?关键要点是要让你明白,在完成了一件事后,这项任务并没有你想象中的那样艰巨,难道不是吗?

10.'I might have written 'immortapty' on the pst thinking I would never achieve it, but it turns out I wasn't as far off as I imagined. '我曾经把“永生”列在清单上,那时我想我永远无法完成,但事实上,我离死亡没那么近。