


美式发音: [ˈɑfɪs] 英式发音: [ˈɒfɪs]



复数:offices  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high office,editorial office,important office,nearby office

v.+n.take office,come office,hold office,seek office

n.administrative center,administrative centre,agency,bureau,headquarters



1.[c]办公室;办公楼a room, set of rooms or building where people work, usually sitting at desks

The company is moving to new offices on the other side of town.公司要迁往城另一边的新办公楼。

Are you going to the office today?你今天去办公室吗?

an office job办公室工作

office workers办公室人员

2.[c](某人的)办公室a room in which a particular person works, usually at a desk

Some people have to share an office.有些人只好合用一间办公室。

Come into my office.到我的办公室里来。

3.[c]诊室;门诊处a place where a doctor, dentist or vet sees patients

a doctor's/dentist's office诊室;牙医诊所

4.[c]办事处;(尤指)问询处,服务处a room or building used for a particular purpose, especially to provide information or a service

the local tourist office当地旅游办事处

a ticket office售票处

政府部门government department

5.[c](用于英国某些政府部门的名称中)used in the names of some British government departments

the Foreign Office外交部

the Home Office内政部

重要职位important position

6.[u][c]要职;重要官职;重要职务an important position of authority, especially in government; the work and duties connected with this

She held office as a cabinet minister for ten years.她担任内阁部长长达十年。

How long has he been in office ?他任职多久了?

The party has been out of office(= has not formed a government) for many years.那个党已在野多年了。

The present government took office in 2009.现政府于 2009 年上台执政。

to seek/run for office谋求╱竞选公职

to stand for office竞选要职

the office of treasurer司库的职务

n.1.办事处;办公处;事务所;公司2.办公室;工作室3.(政府机构的)部,局,处,科,室4.职位;职务;公职;官职5.(公司)职员6.微软公司开发的办公软件,包括文字处理软件Word,电子数据表程序Excel,PowerPoint,Outlook Express等组件1.办事处;办公处;事务所;公司2.办公室;工作室3.(政府机构的)部,局,处,科,室4.职位;职务;公职;官职5.(公司)职员6.微软公司开发的办公软件,包括文字处理软件Word,电子数据表程序Excel,PowerPoint,Outlook Express等组件

n.1.a room or building where the people in an organization or department work2.a room with one or more desks where people work3.a government department4.a position in a large and powerful organization, especially a government5.the office, the people who work in an office6.Microsoft Office, an office software suite developed by Microsoft, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Express, etc1.a room or building where the people in an organization or department work2.a room with one or more desks where people work3.a government department4.a position in a large and powerful organization, especially a government5.the office, the people who work in an office6.Microsoft Office, an office software suite developed by Microsoft, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Express, etc

1.办公室 其他品牌 Other brands 办公室 Office 议会 Boule ...

2.办公软件 post 邮件;邮递 office 办公室;事务所 post office 邮局 ...

5.办事处 处 Division 办事处 Office 科 Section ...


7.办公楼谓豪布斯卡是6个英文词的简称:酒店(Hotel).办公楼(OFFICE).停车场(Parking).购物中心(Shopping mall).集会公共活动和娱乐 …


1.The design of office workstations is often pnked to health, comfort, and productivity in the workplace.办公环境的设计通常和健康,舒适以及工作效率是紧密联系在一起的。

2.An out-of-office message that may have been intended for internal recipients may be sent to external recipients as well.预期发送给内部收件人的外出邮件也可能被发送给外部收件人。

3.I used to walk to my office but if I still walk to work my colleagues may get ready to knock off when I get there.过去我经常走着去上班,但是如果我现在还走着去上班,等我到那时我的同事可能已经准备下班了。

4.The front office took a chance and did what was necessary to obtain Stojakovic.球队的办公室找到一个机会,做足准备去与维奇签约。

5.A three-year-old walked up to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctor's office.与妈妈一起在医生候诊室等待时刻,一位三岁的小孩走到一位孕妇跟前。

6.To standardize the Front Office's approach to guest amenities service and work stations to ensure a consistent standard through the company.使前厅对客房服务和工作岗位标准化,确保始终如一的工作水平。

7.The missing Oscar showed up in the office of a celebrated lawyer.丢失的奥斯卡出现在一位著名律师的办公室中。

8.Before you leave the office for the last time, you should have the contact information of every co-worker you plan to stay in touch with.在你离开公司之前的那一天,你应该将每个你想保持联系的同事的联系方式记下来。

9.I passed the post office and got to the bookstore, but before I paid, I found I had no money with me!我路过邮局到了书店。但是在我要付钱的时候,我发现身上压根没有带钱!

10.After they put the kids to bed, he often disappears into his basement office until the wee hours of the morning.哄孩子上床后,他常常会消失在地下室办公室,直到第二天凌晨。