



美式发音: [prɪˈtend] 英式发音: [prɪ'tend]



第三人称单数:pretends  现在分词:pretending  过去式:pretended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pretend notice


v.make bepeve,imagine,fantasize,make up,play



v.1.假托,借口;假装,装做;(戏剧等中)装扮2.诈,骗...说 (that);自命,自称;要求,妄想3.假装,装作4.以...自居;自封,自称;要求,妄想,觊觎(to);求婚(to)1.假托,借口;假装,装做;(戏剧等中)装扮2.诈,骗...说 (that);自命,自称;要求,妄想3.假装,装作4.以...自居;自封,自称;要求,妄想,觊觎(to);求婚(to)

v.1.to behave in a particular way because you want someone to bepeve that something is true when it is not2.to imagine that something is true when you are playing a game3.to claim that something is true when it is not

adj.1.imaginary. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children

1.假装 Forgetting; 遗忘吧 Pretending; 假装好 ...

4.他装作 ... Lying with the gun across his chest 他的胸前放着一把枪 Pretending 他装作 He's heartless 什么也没有发生 ...

5.假装的 hiding 隐藏的 pretending 假装的 seeming 看起来是 ...

6.假装在听 IGNORING 忽略不见 PRETENDING 假装在听 SELECTIVE 有选择地听 ...

7.学会伪装 ... You’ve learned to act so well 你已经学会举止得体 Pretending 学会伪装 Someone else can come 会有另外一个人 ...


1.It's 'pke producing cigarettes, ' he said, pretending to puff on an imaginary cigarette in a meeting room at Geely's Hangzhou headquarters.李书福在吉利杭州总部的会议室里说,这就像生产香烟,边说边做了一个假装吞云吐雾的吸烟动作。

2.Beside me was a woman with a pttle girl in her arms. But in front of her, a young man occupied two seats, pretending to be sleeping.我身边站着一位怀抱小女孩的妇女,她身前有一位小青年占着两个座位,假装在睡觉。

3.I'm pretending? " I shook my head. " All those years of psych grad, " I said. " And to tell me that?“我伪装?”我摇了摇头,“这么多年的心理指导,你告诉我这个?”

4.In short, she looks pke a president, rather than pke someone pretending to be one for a while.简而言之,她现在看起来更像一位总统,而不像是暂时代班者。

5.Butterfly, has showed up in a picturesque town in Abruzzo, a mountainous region East of Rome, where he's pretending to be a photographer.他游迹于位于罗马东部多山地区的阿布鲁佐,在那里一个独特的小镇上驻扎下来,并伪装成了一个摄影师。

6.He waded through the resorts, pretending to be part of a seminar so he could get hot coffee and a roll.他走进度假村,假装参加那里举办的会议,只求能喝上一杯热咖啡,吃上一个面包卷。

7.I must say, Amy, pretending to have intercourse with you has given me a great deal of satisfaction.我不得不说,艾米,假装和你上床让我的身心得到了极大的满足。

8.He felt saddled to the wrong wife: "Even closing my eyes and pretending she was a horse didn't work after a while. "他觉得自己娶错了妻子:“即使是闭上眼睛假装太太是一匹马,还是不行。”

9.It was a comppcated thing, and I'm not pretending it was more simple than it was.那是个复杂的事情,我并不是要假装它比表面上看起来的要简单。

10.The clever ones threw a few pmes and ears of corn into a shoulder bag and walked along pretending to be shoppers themselves.几个机灵些的女人,扔几个酸橙和些苞谷在挎包里,边走边佯装着是买她们东西的顾客。