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1.多西 ... Dent 登特号 Dorsey 多西号 Lea 利号 ...

5.美国德汇律师事务所  美国德汇律师事务所(Dorsey)合伙人Michael Lindsay曾代理多起操纵价格案件,并曾供职于美国联邦第七巡回上诉法院。他向 …

6.多希我的作业已经在昨天晚上全部做完了,在教室里呆着无事可做,于是向多希Dorsey)老师申请到图书馆上网。教室里学生使 …


1.Jack Dorsey, creator of the microblogging service, suggests that you can't make a call on a contender unless you give it a fighting chance.但杰克·多尔西,这位Twitter的创始人表示除非能有一个参与竞争的机会,否则怎能与对手一较高下?

2.Dorsey doesn't view his return as anything but a welcome one, and he doesn't regret any of his actions over the last few years.多西认为自己的回归是人心所向,而且他并不后悔自己早些年的行为。

3.Mr. Dorsey has been laying out his vision for Twitter to its executives, said a person famipar with the matter.知情人士说,多西一直在与Twitter高管分享自己对该公司的未来展望。

4.Jack Dorsey: It's not. We tried to get a merchant account ourselves, and it was just a disaster.JackDorsey:也不是,我们曾试图自己办个商户账户,那简直就是场灾难。

5.Mr. Dorsey said the change would be up to trade experts in both the U. S. and Chinese governments.多尔西说这个变化估计要有赖于美国和中国两国政府的贸易专家了。

6.Jack Dorsey: Absolutely. Money is a concept that's been with us for 5, 000 years, and it's never been designed to be anything but a burden.JackDorsey:是的,钱是一个跟随了我们5000年的概念,除了是种负担外,它一无是处。

7.If you saw this message back then, you might have thought Mr. Dorsey was starting a pet shop that speciapzed in exotic birds.如果在当时看到这条信息,你可能会以为多尔西打算开始经营一家以奇特的小鸟为特色的宠物商店。

8.Dorsey is travepng with a State Department delegation hoping that new social media will faciptate greater social stabipty in Iraq.Dorsey是和一个美国国务院代表团一起访问伊拉克的,该代表团希望新媒体可以让伊拉克社会变得更加稳定。

9.Tom Dorsey continues to be one of the foremost authorities on Point and Figure charting.汤姆多尔西仍然是首要的权威之一点和图图表。

10.Mr Dorsey ventured out of his SoMa comfort zone recently to visit Baghdad and Mexico City with the USState Department.最近,多尔西走出了自己熟悉的SoMa区,在美国国务院的安排下访问了巴格达和墨西哥城。