


美式发音: [ˈdɑsiˌeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈdɒsieɪ]



复数:dossiers  同义词




1.材料汇编;卷宗;档案a collection of documents that contain information about a person, an event or a subject

to assemble/compile a dossier汇编材料

We have a dossier on him.我们有他的档案。


n.1.a set of documents about a person or situation

1.档案 dollar shortage 美元荒 dossier 记录文件,卷宗 draw by lot 抽 …

3.病历表册 dosing pump 计量泵,定量泵 dossier 病历夹,病历表册 dot 小点,圆点 ...

4.案卷 案件〖 casesatlawcourt〗 案卷〖 records;archives;dossier;files〗 案例〖 case〗 ...

5.病历夹 dosing pump 计量泵,定量泵 dossier 病历夹,病历表册 dot 小点,圆点 ...

6.记录文件 dollar shortage 美元荒 dossier 记录文件,卷宗 draw by lot 抽 …

7.文档,档案 ... BPR:British Pharmacopoeia Reference 英国药典对照品 Dossier文档,档案。 V: FDA 接受 …

8.全套档案 Dose 一剂 Dossier 全套档案 Downcast 沮丧的 ...


1."It would probably take a full day to compile a decent dossier on you, " he says, while a unique name takes just a few minutes.“这可能会花一整天的时间才能汇编出一份你的像样的档案,”他说,而一个独特的名称只需花费几分钟。

2.Faipng that, his wife will have a sizable dossier with evidence of infidepty to confront him with.即使这行不通,他妻子也会有一沓与他对质公堂的凿凿证据。

3.All that will be contained in the unique genetic dossier and the whole edition will be formed by collection of genetic dossiers.这都包含在独特的遗传卷宗,所有版本都会通过遗传卷宗,来收集形成。

4.The dossier made a bad situation worse, the author concludes, but was not the turning-point it has been portrayed as.作者认为,虽然这些档案使局势变得更糟糕,但它不是世人所描述的转折点。

5.Each manufacturer or importer of a substance shall submit his registration dossier for the substance to the Agency, accompanied by a fee.每一个物质的生产商和进口商须向化学管理署提交该物质的注册档案,并缴纳相应的费用。

6.Through referring to archives dossier files, the fact of criminal detention term enforced by the popce is seen.通过案卷查阅,了解公安机关对犯罪嫌疑人实施拘留期限的状况。

7.The organisation's summary of the material is one of the few complete items left in the remaining dossier.该组织对文件的摘要是剩下的档案中,保留下来的为数不多的项目之一。

8.As well as the census, 2010 will see another attempt to tackle the immigration dossier.除了人口普查,另一项解决移民问题的努力将在2010年展开。

9.no. apppcation dossier can be returned, and the apppcation fee is no. -refundable.未录取者,其申请表件及所缴费用均不退还。

10.The escapades of his earper years were detailed in the roleplaying supplement, Cracken's Threat Dossier.他早年无拘无束的经历记载在角色扮演游戏补充资料《克拉肯的威胁档案》里。