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1.亚历山卓011年的加演巡回场次,也在六月初公开第三波主打《亚历山卓》(Alejandro)的MV,Lady Gaga在MV当中演出修女的形象随 …

2.亚历杭德罗 ... 08 Teeth/ 张牙舞爪 02 Alejandro / 亚力翰卓 03 Monster/ 魔怪 ...

4.亚历桑德罗 ... Telephone 电话 Alejandro 亚力山大 I can’t hear a thing 我甚麽都听不见 ...

6.亚历亨德罗 ... Don’t call my name 别再叫我的名字了 Alejandro 亲爱的亚历山大 I’m not your babe 我不再是你的情人 ...


1.ALEJANDRO FOXLEY: They were able to start a process of deregulating the markets, opening up the economy, so that's their contribution.阿里加多。弗克利(AlejandroFoxley):他们开始了放松市场管制的进程,他们开放了经济,这是他们的贡献。

2.For two months now, Alejandro Falla has answered questions about the Wimbledon match he did not win.到现在已有两个月了,法拉(AlejandroFalla)终于对有关在温布尔登比赛中他没赢的问题作了解答。

3.I know that we are young, and I know that you may love me, but I just can't be with you pke this any more, Alejandro.我知道我们都很年轻,我也知道你可能爱我,但我真的不能再这样跟你在一起了,亚历山卓。

4.Alejandro shuffled and shrugged and stared at the floor.亚历杭德罗支支吾吾,耸耸肩,盯着地板。

5.Hal and I flew over to Italy to visit the Ghia studios in Turin, where we met with Alejandro Detomaso, the studio head .我和哈尔飞去意大利参观了位于都灵的吉亚设计室。我们会见了设计室主任阿历杭德罗·德托马索。

6.In 2005 he pubpcly backed an armed uprising staged by his brother against Alejandro Toledo, a democratic president.2005年,他公然支持由他兄弟策划的武装暴动,用来反对民主党总统亚历杭德罗•托莱多(AlejandroToledo)。

7.Mr Aznar's son-in-law, Alejandro Agag, who invited Mr Correa to his wedding, is not under investigation.阿斯纳尔的女婿亚力杭德罗曾邀请过科雷亚出席自己的婚礼,目前不在调查范围之内。

8.The wonderboy had also introduced me to Alejandro's restaurant where I would dine and hang out almost every night.这个不可思议的男孩还介绍我去亚力杭德罗的餐馆。在那儿,几乎每个夜晚,我都会先吃饭,然后出去瞎逛逛。

9.Director Alejandro Amenabar and producer Fernando Bovaira accepted the award for "The Sea Inside, " which won best foreign language film.西班牙电影《深海长眠》(THESEAINSIDE)获得最佳外语片奖。导演亚历桑德罗-曼巴和制片人费尔南多-维拉上台领奖。

10.I know that we are young. And I know you may love me. But I just can't be with you pke this anymore. Alejandro.我知道我们都还年轻我也知道你还爱我但我就是不能再像这样跟你在一起了。