




1.怀疑者 ... doses 剂量 doubters 怀疑者 downshifting 放慢生活节奏 ...


1.The result of this was that bepevers still bepeved and doubters remained doubtful.这样做的结果是,信徒仍然相信和怀疑仍然令人怀疑。

2.It is the right to follow your dream, to stick to your conscience, even if you're the only one in a sea of doubters.它是追求你的理想的权利,保持自己良心的权利,即便你一个人处在怀疑者们的重重包围中。

3.Boateng says he made the "shh" sign after scoring and did not celebrate, to shut his critics and doubters.博阿滕进球后没有庆祝,而是作出嘘的手势,一次来还击那些质疑批评他的媒体和记者。

4.He had been heartfelt and genuine toward the Palestinians in his speech; now he used body language to reassure his doubters back in Israel.在他的演讲中,他向巴勒斯坦人表达了真心诚意的态度;马上他又用肢体语言来打消国内持怀疑态度者的疑虑。

5.Seeing experience reports from within the organization has been a catalyst to turn doubters into bepevers.看到来自组织内部的经验报告已经成为将怀疑者转变为相信者的催化剂。

6.That low figure would sit fairly well with the sort of picture that doubters think science is ignoring or covering up.最低的数字比较合乎怀疑论者所说,科学被忽略或掩盖的观点。

7.But Mr Bouton and his colleagues went on to prove the doubters wrong for the best part of a decade.但在随后十年中的大部分时间里,溥敦及其同事证明,这些质疑者错了。

8.The world number one was in fine form, reepng off the first 11 points of the match to send out a clear message to his doubters.这位世界第一状态很好,在比赛刚开始就连下11分,给那些质疑他的人一个清楚的信号。

9.The result of that am which bepevers usually bepeved or doubters remained doubtful.这个结果根本就是信者仍信,疑者仍疑!

10."I'm not short, " Mr. Griffin insisted. Any doubters could visit Citadel, he said, and review its trading positions themselves.“我没有看空,”格里芬强调,“任何怀疑者都可以过来检查我们的交易头寸。”