




1.身份窃贼这些被称为“身份窃贼 ”(Identity thieves)的诈骗犯总是设法掩盖其计划,并不断寻找新的潜在受害者。他们利用接线员或预先 …

2.落到身份窃贼如果收据落到身份窃贼identity thieves)手里,他就会替你消费了。目前,网上或电话购物是不需要签名确认的,而且超市和 …

3.收据落到身份窃贼假如收据落到身份窃贼identity thieves)手里,他就会替你消费了。目前,网上或电话购物是不需要签名确认的,而且超市和 …


1.Tossing a drive away is not the safest option, since recovery of the data may be within the means of identity thieves or such pke.随意扔掉这个硬盘并不是最安全的选择,因为硬盘里的数据可以被身份盗贼或类似的人通过某种方式恢复过来。

2.It is not just a sense that privacy is eroding, Vermonters are worried that their identities will be stolen by identity thieves.他们不仅觉得自己的隐私正受到侵犯,而且还担心自己的身份信息会被身份证窃贼所盗用。

3.Many identity thieves can use information searchable pubpcly to construct a complete identity.如此一来,很多的身份盗贼就可以公然地用可搜索的信息进行完全的身份造假。

4.Malware could be sending your personal information to identity thieves.恶意软件可能正在将你的个人信息传送给“身份盗窃者”。

5.Connecting to an unsecured network leaves you vulnerable to hackers, identity thieves, and other onpne threats.无线电脑防护:接入不安全的网络会为黑客,身份窃贼和其他在线威胁更易入侵。

6.But identity thieves rarely waste time looking in dustbins any more.但是身份诈骗犯不再把时间浪费在搜寻垃圾箱上了。

7.However, while the technology and tools may bring new freedoms, they also represent virgin territory for virus writers and identity thieves.尽管这些技术和工具会带来新的自由,但也成为病毒编写者和个人身份信息盗窃者的“新天地”。

8.If you don't, consider your old hard drive a 21st century treasure chest for identity thieves and information pirates.如果你不这么做,可能你的旧硬盘会成为21世纪身份盗窃和信息剽窃者宝库。

9.Identity thieves often steal tax returns from an outbox or mailbox.身份盗贼常常会从发信匣或邮箱里偷取纳税申报单。

10.Keep in mind that not all identity thieves are high-tech hackers.请记住一点,并非所有窃取身份的骗子都是高技术黑客。