



美式发音: [ˈkʌvər] 英式发音: [ˈkʌvə(r)]




第三人称单数:covers  现在分词:covering  过去式:covered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cover cost,cover area,cover distance,cover range,cover everything

adj.+n.cover story,magazine cover

adv.+v.completely cover



v.conceal,protect,shield,wrap,deal with


v.1.覆盖,遮蔽,包裹;戴帽子;包庇,隐蔽,掩盖;灭迹,(用纸)表(墙)2.涉及,包括,包含;网罗;适用3.(炮火等)控制;对准射击;【军】掩护4.〈美〉采访(新闻,报导会议情形等)5.足敷,足以抵补[补偿];(用保险办法)保护;出大牌压倒(对方)6.通过,走过(若干里);讲完(几课),看完(几节)7.孵(小鸡);(种马)交配8.【商】补进(预先卖出的商品)9.【宗】恕宥10.掩没11.(与雌的)交配12.代替 (for)13.展延14.(拳击中)掩护脸部1.覆盖,遮蔽,包裹;戴帽子;包庇,隐蔽,掩盖;灭迹,(用纸)表(墙)2.涉及,包括,包含;网罗;适用3.(炮火等)控制;对准射击;【军】掩护4.〈美〉采访(新闻,报导会议情形等)5.足敷,足以抵补[补偿];(用保险办法)保护;出大牌压倒(对方)6.通过,走过(若干里);讲完(几课),看完(几节)7.孵(小鸡);(种马)交配8.【商】补进(预先卖出的商品)9.【宗】恕宥10.掩没11.(与雌的)交配12.代替 (for)13.展延14.(拳击中)掩护脸部


v.1.to put one thing over another, in order to protect or hide it; to be on top of something; to put your hands over your eyes, ears, or moutstrong.to be all over a surface or object; to spread something all over a surface or object; to spread or pe all over an area of land3.to include and deal with a particular situation, subject, period of history, etc.; if a law, rule, or contract covers a particular situation, type of person, etc., it includes or deals with that situation or person4.to give a report or description of an event on television or radio, or in a newspaper5.if an insurance agreement covers a situation or person, it provides protection against loss for that situation or person6.to have enough money to pay for something7.to travel a particular distance8.to perform or record a song that was first performed by someone else9.to protect someone from attack by pointing a gun at someone who might shoot them; to prevent someone from moving or escaping by pointing a gun toward them10.in some sports, to stay very close to an opposing player in order to prevent them from scoring a goal or getting a point1.to put one thing over another, in order to protect or hide it; to be on top of something; to put your hands over your eyes, ears, or moutstrong.to be all over a surface or object; to spread something all over a surface or object; to spread or pe all over an area of land3.to include and deal with a particular situation, subject, period of history, etc.; if a law, rule, or contract covers a particular situation, type of person, etc., it includes or deals with that situation or person4.to give a report or description of an event on television or radio, or in a newspaper5.if an insurance agreement covers a situation or person, it provides protection against loss for that situation or person6.to have enough money to pay for something7.to travel a particular distance8.to perform or record a song that was first performed by someone else9.to protect someone from attack by pointing a gun at someone who might shoot them; to prevent someone from moving or escaping by pointing a gun toward them10.in some sports, to stay very close to an opposing player in order to prevent them from scoring a goal or getting a point

n.1.something that you put over something else in order to hide it, protect it, or close it2.the outside page at the front or back of a book or magazine; the paper or cardboard on the front of a record or CD3.places such as buildings or trees where people or animals can hide or shelter from the weather4.protection from attack, especially from someone with a gun5.a legal business that is used for hiding an illegal or secret activity; a false story that is used for hiding who someone really is6.a song that is recorded by someone who is not the original performer7.a cover charge8.a place for one person at a table in a restaurant9.sheets and blankets that you pe under in bed10.coverage that an insurance agreement gives you11.an arrangement in which a person does the work of someone who is away from work1.something that you put over something else in order to hide it, protect it, or close it2.the outside page at the front or back of a book or magazine; the paper or cardboard on the front of a record or CD3.places such as buildings or trees where people or animals can hide or shelter from the weather4.protection from attack, especially from someone with a gun5.a legal business that is used for hiding an illegal or secret activity; a false story that is used for hiding who someone really is6.a song that is recorded by someone who is not the original performer7.a cover charge8.a place for one person at a table in a restaurant9.sheets and blankets that you pe under in bed10.coverage that an insurance agreement gives you11.an arrangement in which a person does the work of someone who is away from work

1.封面 yesterday n. 昨天 covers n. 盖子, 封面, 藉口 pocket n. 衣袋, 口袋, 钱, 财 ...

2.覆盖 plants( 植物) covers覆盖) lung( 肺) ...

3.涵盖. ... covered 覆盖 covers 涵盖 cover up 掩盖 ...

4.盖子 yesterday n. 昨天 covers n. 盖子, 封面, 藉口 pocket n. 衣袋, 口袋, 钱, 财 ...

5.料仓盖 ... Storage( 料仓) 、 Covers( 料仓盖) 、 BioEnergy Storage( 太空包卸料输送系统) 、 ...

6.井盖 ... covers 暗礁群 covers 保证金 covers 淹没的 ...


1.If I walk in the mud, it covers up my feet. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me.回头看一看那些赤虫、螃蟹与蝌蚪一类的小虫吧,哪个能同我相比哪一天!

2.More tired than I thought I was, I said my prayers with Mom and Roger and settled under the covers.我比原先想象的更累,和妈妈和罗杰一起祈祷之后我就爬进了铺盖。

3.I wouldn't go so far as to say, as the author does in the book, that it's the only explanation that covers all the facts.我不会象作者在书中那样,甚至说它是唯一能涵盖一切事实的解释。

4.The doctor's observations travel over the service bus into a Web server hosting the portal of the insurance company that covers the patient.医生的观察通过服务总线传送到托管病人所在保险公司门户网站的Web服务器。

5.This infusion of funds only covers two years of research, however, and is hardly enough to make the kind of progress that is needed.可是,这项资金注入仅仅覆盖两年的研究,不足以取得所需要的这类进展。

6.Suddenly l felt the wind knocked out of me. l wanted to crawl under the covers and go right to sleep.突然我感觉到一阵眩晕。我想要马上钻进被窝睡上一觉。

7.I said that I did not know what, in the shofar, let us say the clamour of guilt, is articulated from the Other who covers anxiety.我说,我并不知道是什麽,在羊角号里,让我们说,会有罪恶感的这种疾呼被表达出来,从涵盖焦虑的大它者那里。

8.This section covers the necessary steps that an administrator needs to carry out to set up the above Kerberos configuration.本节讨论设置以上Kerberos配置所需的步骤。

9.The oil spck covers thousands of square miles and is big enough to be easily seen from space by NASA satelptes.浮油已经覆盖了数千平方英里的海域,它们大到很容易就能用NASA的卫星进行监测。

10.In extreme conditions, use a balaclava (or full hood) which covers the head, face and neck and has a small opening for the eyes and nose.在极端情况下,使用巴拉克拉瓦(或全面罩),其中包括头部,面部和颈部,有一个眼睛和鼻子的小开。