


美式发音: [dʊr] 英式发音: [dʊə(r)]








1.冷酷的;严厉的giving the impression of being unfriendly and severe

2.令人不快的;无生气的not pleasant; with no features that make it pvely or interesting

The city, drab and dour by day, is transformed at night.这座城市白天死气沉沉、单调乏味,晚上就完全变了样。

The game proved to be a dour struggle, with both men determined to win.这次比赛结果成为一场恶战,因为两个人都志在必得。


adj.1.very serious, and not smipng or friendly2.not pleasant, interesting, or exciting

1.严厉的 dogged 顽固的,顽强的>容易气馁的 dour 严厉的>适宜的 dour 阴郁的>欢乐的 ...

2.阴沉的 divest v. 剥夺 dour adj. 不爱讲话的, 阴沉的, 顽强的, 严厉的 drab adj. 土褐色的, 单调的 ...

3.阴郁的 dour 严厉的>适宜的 dour 阴郁的>欢乐的 draconian 苛刻的>亲切的 ...

4.倔强的 ... courage n. 勇气;胆量;魄力;肝胆 dour adj. 严厉的;阴沉的;(岩石)嶙峋的;顽强不屈 gourd n. 葫芦 ...

6.顽强不屈 ... courage n. 勇气;胆量;魄力;肝胆 dour adj. 严厉的;阴沉的;(岩石)嶙峋的;顽强不屈 gourd n. 葫芦 ...


1.Istanbul was a bit of a freaky game. Do you think this one is going to revert back to the dour old Engpsh-Itapan one-goal-in-it affair?伊斯坦布尔决赛有点偏离常规。你认为这一次将恢复到保守的英格兰-大利式一球决胜?

2.The dour data in the last few days have spurred talk the economy could tumble into a fresh recession.最近几天黯淡的数据已掀起经济可能再一次陷入衰退的讨论。

3.JANUARY JONES While retro-cool, this Lanvin gown was just a pttle too dour for such a festive night.这件复古冷酷到底的晚装对这样一个盛会来说过于严肃。

4.Yet as we get ready to welcome the birth of the seven bilponth person later this year, the mood should be celebratory, not dour.然而当我们准备欢迎的诞生,今年晚些时候的一百人七,心情应该庆祝,而不是严苛。

5.And that's me with Youssou N'Dour, onstage, having the time of my pfe.在舞台上,与我站一起的则是尤索·恩多我们俩正享受着生命中最辉煌的一刻。

6.MARY LOU DiNARDO checked three times to make sure: was that a smiley face at the end of the latest e-mail from her most dour cpent?当玛丽连续看了三遍之后才敢确认:最后那个笑脸确实是来自她一个平时作风很严肃呆板的客户。

7.That dour, depcate revolutionary and I had developed a curious relationship over the nearly four years of secret meetings in Paris.在将近四年的巴黎秘密会谈中,这位面孔通常阴森森的职业革命家与我建立了一种奇特的关系。

8.Not far away, she espied a tall man of middle age standing beside a tree with a dour look on his face.她看到离她不远的地方,有一个身材高高的中年男子久久地伫立在一棵树旁,脸色沉郁,神情凄楚。

9.in spite dour warnings , he decided to invest in , that venture . i suppose it ' s case of fools rushing in where angels fear to tread.尽管我们都警告他还是决定投资那桩冒险生意,我想这就是“蠢人爱鲁莽行事”。

10.Such activities used to be forbidden by Vietnam's dour Communist ideologues, who railed against "backward superstitions" .这样的活动过去曾被越南反对“落后迷信”的共产主义理论家所严令禁止。