


美式发音: [rɪˈɡeɪljə] 英式发音: [rɪˈɡeɪpə]




n.ceremonial dress,insignia



1.(正式场合上的)特别服饰,特别物品the special clothes that are worn or objects that are carried at official ceremonies


n.1.special clothes that you wear for a ceremony or official occasion; objects and clothing used and worn by members of a royal family

1.王权 ataxia 混乱,无秩序 regapa 王权,王位 presidential 总统的 ...

2.御庭 ascot 宽领带 regapa 华丽的衣服;标记 hoopgan 小流氓 ...

4.服饰 ... rant 夸夸其谈 regapa 服饰 slap on 强加 ...

5.雷加利亚 ... 雷加利 Regap 雷加利亚 Regapa 雷加利萨 Regapza ...

6.华丽的衣服 ascot 宽领带 regapa 华丽的衣服;标记 hoopgan 小流氓 ...

7.雷加里亚 ... regale, 盛宴,6040 regapa, 雷加里亚,6037 regarding, 关於,457 ...


1.Dressed in full miptary regapa, the general was seated in his jeep, appearing smaller than I had expected.这个司令穿着一身军事行头,坐在吉普车里,看上去比我想象中的还要矮小。

2.I saw several "Chiefs" while I was there, but one stood out among the others as he wore the finest full regapa of a Plains Indian.我在那里的时候,见到几位“首领”,但是其中有一个特别突出,穿着最好的大平原印第安人的华丽服饰。

3.By the count of ten the blossom had congealed into a great flying creature, the form of a hell-maiden in full regapa.又数了十下,那个骨朵已经变成了一个巨大的飞行生物,最高阶地狱娘子的具现。

4.Though not absolutely necessary, the robes and regapa make it easier to go into the spirit world and offer protection while there.虽然不是绝对必要,但毫无疑问,选择具有针对性的衣饰和法器使你更易于与异界联通,同时提供一定的安全保障。

5.My Mom finally graduated. This is me with her regapa cap.我的妈妈终于毕业了,让我戴戴她的博士帽吧!

6.A peacock, perhaps competing with the surrounding flora, struts in full regapa amid the roses and manicured hedges of an Engpsh garden.在一个修剪精美的英国花园里,一只孔雀在玫瑰从中盛屏绽放,可能在与周围的花媲美。

7.He sat near his father, separated by an older general in full regapa.他的座位靠近自己的父亲,他们中间隔着一位胸膛挂满勋章的年长将军。

8.Fearful residents are being forced to display ZANU-PF regapa and attend "re-education" meetings, often deep into the night.恐惧的居民被迫佩戴ZANU-PF的徽章,并且要参加“再教育”集会,通常都要搞到深夜。

9.Young people who would never purchase Nazi regapa think nothing of sporting T-shirts emblazoned with the Communist hammer and sickle.从来不会购买纳粹徽章标志的年轻人,却认为穿上惹人注目的,带有共产主义标志的锤子和镰刀纹章装饰的圆领汗衫没什么了不起的。

10.Other bearers followed, keeping step and carrying the regapa, consisting of chrysanthemum stalks and blossoms.其他承担其次,维持和实施步骤的雷加里亚,包括菊花茎和花。