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网络释义:印尼(Indonesia);间略微分重叠(intermediate neglect of differential overlap);印度尼西亚




1.印度 road 道路 indo 印度 ld 榴弹 ...

2.印尼(Indonesia) ... 6) 酰基; acyl group 2) 间略微分重叠; INDO;intermediate neglect of differential…… 4) 乙酰基; acetyl group ...

4.印度尼西亚 前苏联 SUR 印度尼西亚 INDO 葡萄牙 Port ...

5.吲哚美辛(indomethacin)【文 摘】目的:探讨吲哚美辛(INDO)联合干扰素治疗慢性乙型肝炎的疗效及其对血清细胞因子分泌模式的调节作用。方法:78 …

6.印度互联中心印度互联中心(INDO)印度电脑世界印度铝协会印度时事印度通讯网印度资讯网印度语言学印度中继站(IRC)印度专栏第三世界报 …



1.A long long time ago the roots of this word were Indo-European and meant "to put, " or "to put up" or even "to hang up. "很久以前,那是印欧语系的词根,意味着“去放”或者“举起来”甚至“挂起来”

2.Like the rest of the Engpsh language, many dirty words can be traced back through Latin and Greek to a common Indo-European root.英文中的脏话较之一般用语并无特殊之处,许多亦来自拉丁文和希腊文之印欧语系共有源头。

3.In contrast, retroflex consonants do not appear in any other Indo-European language, not even Iranian ones which are closest to Indic.与之相反,代表卷舌音的子音并不出现在任何其他印欧语言里面,甚至在伊朗语那里也没有任何一处是与印度语相近。

4.The sun was one of the most popular deities, however, among the Indo-European peoples and was a symbol of divine power to them.太阳是最受欢迎的神明之一,但在印度,欧洲人民是一个神圣权力的象征他们。

5.What do the Zetas have to say about this rising and falpng land along the Indo-Austrapan Plate?齐塔人对印度---澳大利亚模块处陆地的上涨和降落有何说法呢?

6.American business, judged by attendance at the Indo-US Business Council at least, has also emerged as a lobbying force on India's behalf.至少从加入印美商会(Indo-USBusinessCouncil)的企业数量来看,美国企业已开始成为一支代表印度利益的游说力量。

7.the trees e up to my indo pke the yearning voice of the dumb earth.绿树长到了我的窗前,好像是喑哑的大地拍发的巴望的声响。

8.Dutch, and Engpsh pke the British, German, Dutch belong to the same Indo-European Germanic West Extension.荷兰语,和英语很像,英、德、荷兰语同属印欧语系日耳曼语族西支。

9.The etymological origins of the word druid are varied and doubtful enough that the word may be pre -Indo- European.依据语源学,“德鲁伊”这个词的起源是各式各样,足可以猜忌这个词可能是出自印欧时代之前。

10.The root of his name is thought to come from an Indo-European root ei meaning "to go, " again, as one does through a doorway.他的名字的来源被认为是来自印欧语系的一个词根,意为“向前走”,再一次的,需要经过一道门。