


美式发音: [ˈdaʊnˌfɔl] 英式发音: [ˈdaʊnˌfɔːl]



复数:downfalls  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cause downfall





1.衰落;衰败;垮台;衰落(或衰败、垮台)的原因the loss of a person's money, power, social position, etc.; the thing that causes this

The sex scandal finally led to his downfall.这桩绯闻最终使他身败名裂。

Greed was her downfall.贪得无厌就是她堕落的缘由。


n.1.a sudden loss of power, status, or success2.something that causes the downfall of a person or group

1.垮台 breakthrough 突破 downfall 垮台 well-being 福利 ...

2.帝国毁灭 出卖( Betrayal) 衰败Downfall) 龙枪正式的美术作品( Art of the Dragonlance Saga) ...

5.衰落 obvious a. 明显的, 显而易见的 downfall n. 垮台; 衰落 employment n. 职业; 工作 ...

6.落下 recap vt. 翻新胎面n.翻新的轮胎 downfall n. 衰败, 垮台, 大雨, 落下 elephants n. 象, 一种纸张的尺寸 ...

7.倒台 plot v. 密谋 downfall n. 倒台,垮台 naive adj. 天真的 ...


1.All that was necessary for the downfall of communism, he used to say, was for the barriers of fear and passivity to fall.他常说到,我们要具有所有让共产主义倒台所必需品质,这些也能让人克服恐惧并积极地战斗起来。

2.He said the press had been giving "dates" for his downfall, but that he would not flee the country as predicted by his enemies.他说,媒体已经给他设了下台的“大限”,但是他不会像敌人说的那样逃离巴基斯坦。

3.Gods punishment is about to begin, the enemies have invaded and you to save mankind, only do a betrayal of Gods downfall was the Seraph.上帝的惩罚就要开始了,敌人就要入侵了,而你为了拯救人类,只能做一个背叛上帝的堕落六翼天使了。

4.The highest pitch of every passion is always to will its own downfall .激情在其至高点时总是情愿自身悴然下降。

5.He reflected on the options which had been open to him, one of which had led to his downfall.他反省那些自己以前一直可有的选择,其中有一选择导致了他的垮台。

6.Egypt's young pberal middle-classes are discovering that they were not the only forces set free by the downfall of President Hosni Mubarak.埃及奉行自由主义的年轻中产阶层开始发现,胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(HosniMubarak)总统下台后,并不是只有他们得到了解放。

7.Critics of stem-cell research would be wrong to see Hwang's downfall as vindication of their broader moral complaints.干细胞研究的批评者倘若把黄禹锡的下台看作是对更广泛的道德控诉的一个证明,那么他们就错了。

8.The last time we walked on Earth with you in a peaceful period, was in Atlantean times long before its downfall.最后一次我们与你们在一个和平的时期并肩同行的时刻,曾经是在很久以前的亚特兰蒂斯时代,在它毁灭之前。

9.Governments worldwide are also clearly trying to bail themselves out of a situation that will lead to their downfall.世界各国政府也清楚地试图保护他们脱离导致他们的垮台的形势。

10.About the decpning man we question thee, Gotama. We have come to ask the Blessed One: What is the cause of his downfall?我们请教乔达摩关于人的毁灭,我们前来询问世尊:毁灭的原因是什么?