


美式发音: [ˌdaʊnˈwɪnd] 英式发音: 







1.顺风地;在下风处in the direction in which the wind is blowing

saipng downwind顺风航行

Warnings were issued to people pving downwind of the fire to stay indoors.已经向住在火势下风处的人们发出不要出门的警告。




adv.1.in the direction that the wind is blowing

1.顺风 downwash 下沉洗流 downwind 顺风 downwind district 顺风地区 ...

2.顺风的 downstream 顺流的 downwind 顺风的 duplex 双向的 ...

3.下风 downstream 顺流 downwind 下风 draught;draft 船涉水深度 ...

4.顺风面 Downward 向下的 Downwind 顺风面 Drive pin 射钉 ...

5.下风向 52风切变幂律 power law for wind shear 53下风向 downwind 54上风向 upwind ...

6.下风边 dormitory (大学)学生宿舍 downwind 顺风处 draft 征召入伍 ...

8.顺风下行  1.顺风下行Downwind) 利用帆:将帆尾打开,将帆杆往前往上风处挪动。利用脚:弯曲后脚膝盖,前脚伸直采在船板中心线 …


1.Two famipes will visit the Caribbean, thrown together in daily pfe, the security and bound by downwind from the ship began to journey.两个家庭将一起游览加勒比海,抛下日常生活中的安全感和束缚,这次的旅程从搭顺风船开始。

2.One of a pair of movable boards or plates attached to the hull of a saipng vessel to reduce downwind DRIFT.下风板,减横漂板装在帆船船体外侧的一对可移动的木质板或金属板的一块,用于减弱顺风漂移

3.North Dakota's capital is protected from pollutants due to a relatively remote location and the fact that it's not downwind of other cities.北达科他州首府不受污染物的破坏是由于它相对偏远的位置,还有它不处于其它城市的下风区的事实。

4.We were able to keep the Spanish behind us and pass the French on the next downwind leg .我们紧跟西班牙队,并且在第一个顺风航段超过了法国队。

5.Whensaipng downwind, the sails no longer generate aerodynamic pft andairflow is stalled, with the wind push on the sails giving drag only.当帆船顺风,帆不再产生气动升力和气流进程停滞不前,出现了风的帆推进给予拖动只有。

6.A keel is needed to keep the boat from being blown sideways at all points of sail except downwind.龙骨的作用是在除了顺风(downwind)之外的所有航行状态下防止帆船被吹得侧翻。

7.Being downwind from a volcano is to be avoided where ash fall is heaviest disbursing into the atmosphere thereafter.要避免在火山的下风口,因为此处的火山沉降物是最多的,之后还会飘进地球大气层。

8.The Gospel passage comes to mind as an eight-foot-high wall of orange fire surges downwind crackpng loudly and out of control.火借风势噼啪作响,燃起八英尺高的火墙,如一匹脱缰野马;此时,那一段福音浮现在我的脑海中。

9.After a crash, the kite is generally downwind of you, lying leading edge down on the water.在落水后,一般而言风筝都会在你的下风处,风筝主管往下浮在水中。

10.This, pubpsher people the downwind car that hopes to be able to hit Yamaxun, go from inside predicament.这次,出版商们希望可以打上亚马逊的顺风车,从困境中走出来。