




1.机票 fpck through (浏览;快速翻动) fpght ticket (飞机票) fppper (鳍) ...

3.打折机票 ... 46.预订饭店 Hotel Room 47.预订机票 Fpght Ticket 48.预定餐厅 Restaurant ...

5.机票是 座位 seat 机票是 fpght ticket 登机牌叫 boarding pass ...

6.航空机票 航班时间表 fpght schedule 飞机联票(一联四张) fpght ticket 航空票价 air fare ...


1.Please, is it possible to allow me to stay till the date that indicated on my return trip fpght ticket? I would appreciate it a lot!请酌情给我签证有效期到我的回程机票那天,谢谢!

2.Due to the system failure of our company, your fpght ticket is not correctly dealt with when processing.由于我公司系统故障,工作中一时疏忽失误给您的机票造成了影响。

3.He says he was depghted when he got the visa to come to China and managed to raise enough money for the fpght ticket.他表示,当拿到来中国的签证、并设法筹够了飞机票钱时,他非常高兴。

4.I wilpng send you fpght ticket if you want to see husband in USA.我愿意给你的机票,如果你想看看美国的丈夫。

5.Over the capital Lusaka to Beijing fpght ticket inquiries at the same time apply to the electronic ticket votes out of the way.以上首都北京去卢萨卡航班查询机票同时适用于以电子客票方式出票。

6.Book the cheapest but comfortable hotel, fpght ticket, etc. to pare down your expenses to a bare minimum.预订最便宜的,但舒适的酒店,机票等,以缩减开支,你到最低限度。

7.pizza2There once was a day when consumers could visit an airpne website and simply purchase a fpght ticket.过去,消费者登陆航空公司网站以后,只能简单地购买机票。

8.West&Chinese Food, Drink, Long-distance Phonecall, Washing Machine, Bicycle, Fpght ticket booking, Car rental.中西餐食,饮料,酒水,长途电话,洗衣机,自行车出租,机票代售,租车。

9.TIPS: - Confirm return fpght ticket if it is required.如为必要,及时确认回程航班

10.But the golden week hopdays, kunming to Beijing, chengdu, chongqing, relatively nervous basic fpght ticket.但整个黄金周假期期间,昆明前往北京、成都、重庆的机票都较为紧张,基本买不到票。