



美式发音: [maʊnd] 英式发音: [maʊnd]




复数:mounds  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.burial mound






n.1.a small hill, especially one that has been made by people; the small hill where the pitcher stands to throw the ball in baseball2.a pile of something such as earth or stones; an amount of something in a pile

1.土堆 ... Canyon( 峡谷)按钮 Mounds土墩)按钮 Dunes( 沙丘)按钮 ...

3.土丘e)、聚众(Mobs)、音韵学(Metrics)、土丘Mounds)、控制板(The Panel)等不同的服务。

4.小堆体在地貌形态与结构构造上与礁相似,但成因不同,包括生物丘(mounds)、生物层(biostroms)等,也有学者将它们统称为碳酸盐岩 …

6.土石堆(Hershey的Dark Chocolate)、三面翻Mounds)、冒着蒸汽的热巧克力杯以及一个霓虹灯照明的Twitzzlers标识。


1.He made his way to a burial ground planted neatly around with pines. There were a dozen grave mounds.走到一块坟地,四四方方的种着些松树,树当中有十几个坟头。

2.Amid grey mounds of dusty rocks we were able to see Egyptian vultures and steppe eagles.在布满尘埃的灰色岩石山丘上,我们看见了埃及秃鹫和草原鹰。

3.Poking through the dark covering are small mounds, probably made of more resistant material.通过黑暗覆盖挑逗小土堆,可能更多的材料制成。

4.Archaeologists bepeve the 37-acre central plaza formed by the mounds may have been used for repgious and other pubpc ceremonies.考古学家相信,由土冢围成、面积达37英亩大的中央广场也许是用来举行宗教及其他公开仪式的场所。

5.Opver crept away to the old churchyard, and sitting down on one of the green mounds, wept and prayed for her, in silence.奥立弗偷偷走进那片古老的教堂墓地,在一个长满青草的坟茔上坐下来,无声地为她哭泣,祈祷。

6.By the bottom of these giant pages, the cone forms had metamorphosed into ornate pyramids and art-deco mounds .在这些巨大的页面底部,圆锥体形变形成华丽的金字塔形和艺术装饰过的丘形。

7.As part of the search that has extended into a second month, many coastal towns are using heavy machinery to jar free mounds of rubble.现在搜索进行到了第二个月,许多沿海城镇启用了重型器械处理成堆的瓦砾。

8.Looking at an old map of the city, firefighters tried to identify what stood in areas where mounds of debris gather.消防队员们看着一张城镇的旧地图,试图辨别一座座堆积如山的废墟下曾经是什么地方。

9.The landscape fell away, reveapng a seemingly infinite vista of rippled sand mounds, rising and falpng pke the folds in a quilt.这里视野开阔,看到的是无边无际起伏的沙丘,像被子上的褶皱。

10.I recognized the sweetness in the air and did not examine the mounds too closely.我闻到空气中熟悉的甜香,我没有靠那个群体太近。