




1.你愿意吗 1.Smallsteps 碎步 2.Doyou 你愿意吗 3.TheThingsIReally 我诚心所愿 ...

2.千万你 伊飒 E & S 千万你 DoYou 靓姿源 LIANGZIYUAN ...

3.屠益华 ... dongjiangwei 董剑伟 doyou 屠益华 duduma 全春实 ...


1.how much exercise doyou do?进行多少锻炼?

2.Doyou consume unusually large amounts of food at least once a week, andfeel a loss of control, embarrassment and guilt?你每周至少有一次吃异常大量的食物,并感觉失控、尴尬和内疚吗?

3.Doyou feel drained or sad after spending time with a particular friend, coworker, or relative?在和某个特其它伴侣,同事或亲戚相处一段时刻后,你是否感想筋疲力尽可能担心呢?

4.As for you, do you wait for perfection before getting started, doyou strive for excellence or do you get by with doing just enough?至于你,在起步之前想要完美吗,你追求卓越吗,还是凑合过得去就行?

5.Good evening, sir. Doyou have anythingtodeclare? Anycigarette, perfume, pquor ?晚上好,先生。您有需要申报的东西吗?香烟,香水,酒?。

6.Famipes decorate theirChristmas trees. How doyou decorate a Christmastree? You put beautifulthings on it.每个家庭都会装饰圣诞树。你怎么装饰?你会把漂亮的饰物悬挂在树上。

7.Doyou see the hand, the white teeth and the large green eyes of a tiger?你没看到那只老虎的爪子,白牙齿和绿色的大眼睛么?

8.Doyou think you 0dd possibly. . . ?你认为你有可能……?。

9.It's boring. How's the internship? Doyou hate it yet?好无聊啊。你的实习呢?你还讨厌它吗?

10.I tried to be your friend, and what doyou do? You fuck me.我试着做你的朋友,但你做了什么?你坏了我的好事