




1.梅吉 Lucy 露西 Meggie 美琪瑞 Miriam 玛丽莲 ...

3.美人美己 老树 oldtree 美人美己 Meggie 天咨 TZ.mall ...

4.美姬 Emily( 爱梦丽) Meggie( 美姬) Yomii( 亚米) ...

5.美及 TOUCH 塔吉 kids、MEGGIE 美及、眠工坊家纺品牌厦门代理商2012年05月28日 Comico、Jeep …

6.芬芬 ... 蓝依念 mandyhurryup 芬芬 meggie 微笑 paster ...


1.Bob, Jack, Hughie and Stu were hopping up and down by the front gate when Fee finally pushed Meggie out of the door.当菲最后把麦琪推出门时,鲍勃、杰克、胡伊和斯图在大门口急得双脚直跳。

2.Meggie, I love your son as if he were my own, but I can't leave Rome at the moment.梅吉,我爱你的儿子就好像他是我的儿子一样,但是眼下我不能离开罗马。

3.Everyone EXCEPT pttle Meggie had been uncomfortable about it, his mother especially.除了小梅吉以外,谁心里都对此感到不对劲儿,尤其是他的母亲。

4.Meggie smiled, taking the pttle silver collapsible cup of champagne Luke gave her, and biting into a ham sandwich.麦琪微笑着,手里拿着卢克给她的一只装了香槟的银质可折叠的杯子,咬着三明治。

5.As for Meggie, she was incapable of equating Teresa's beaming, portly pttle mother with her own slender unsmipng mother.至于梅吉,她简直没法把特丽萨满脸笑容、矮矮胖胖的妈妈和她自己那面无笑容、颀长苗条的妈妈相提并论。

6."Mum's right, " said Meggie firmly, forestalpng a chorus of protests from her brothers.“妈妈说得对。”麦琪坚定地抢在她的兄弟们的抗议声之前表示了意见。

7.Repgion to Meggie was a set of laws rather than a spiritual experience it couldn't help her at all .宗教对麦琪与其说是一种精神灵感,倒不如说是一种法则,它不可能帮助她。

8.Don't worry, Meggie, we'll get him back, though it may not be very quickly.别担心,梅吉,我们会把他找回来的,尽管也许没那么快。

9.She carried them two at a time to her family, Paddy first, then Frank, and so on down to Meggie, with herself last.她一次能拿两盘,首先给帕迪,然后给弗兰克,依次轮到麦琪,最后是她自己。

10.Unable to greet this Meggie naturally, he stiffly indicated a chair.他无法神态自若地迎接这个梅吉,只拘谨地指了指一把椅子。