


美式发音: [ˈɪmbəˌsaɪl] 英式发音: [ˈɪmbəsiːl]







1.笨蛋;蠢货a rude way to describe a person that you think is very stupid

They behaved pke imbeciles.他们表现得像傻瓜。

2.低能者;弱智者a person who has a very low level of intelpgence



n.1.an insulting word for someone who behaves in a very stupid way2.an offensive word for someone who has a mental disabipty

1.低能 imbark 装载 imbecile 低能的 imbecipc 低能的 ...

3.愚笨“下愚”、“中人”、 天才、朦胧(Moron)、 愚笨Imbecile)、白痴(Idiot) (2)按IQ划分: 智力水平分级是把均值(IQ) …

4.白痴 {人} 低能,白痴 idiotic {事} {古} 白痴(状态);愚蠢言行 imbecile {人} 天生的白痴,低能儿 nidget ...

5.笨蛋 Fools has fortune. 呆人有呆福。 笨蛋 imbecile A fool or clown;a dolt. 傻瓜或小丑;呆子 ...

6.低能儿 fool;moron;imbecile 傻瓜 imbecile低能儿) it's my destiny 那就是我的命运 ...

7.傻瓜 ignorant : 无知的, 愚昧的 imbecile : 低能者, 傻瓜 jerky : 愚蠢的;呆笨的 ...

8.弱智者 挑逗,调戏 fprt→fly 低能者,弱智者 imbecile→im 仆人,男仆 lackey→lack ...


1.In some respects she was a pttle bit of a moral imbecile, in that nothing was sacred.她在不少事情上都缺少一种道德观,在她的眼里,没有一样东西是神圣的。

2.Had my hormones been absent at the time of Joe's birth, he would have growth into a thick-ppped, flat-nosed dwarf-an imbecile or moron.如果乔出生时没有我这种激素,他将长成一个厚嘴唇,塌鼻梁的侏儒--一个低能儿或呆子。

3.But it would be a mistake to back off and censor our kooks. The freedom to be an imbecile is one of our core values.然而就此退让,对美国的疯子们进行审查也是错误的。当蠢货的自由也是我们的核心价值之一。

4.A certain imbecile former president. My dad has gotta be the only person in the world Who's more upset about this news than me.低能的前任总统。我爸可能是这个世界上唯一一个,听到这个消息比我还难过的人了。

5.She was so nervous that she acted pke an imbecile.她太紧张,以至于表现得像个傻姑。

6.For two years that imbecile threw his money away pke this.两年来那个傻瓜就像这样挥霍钱财。

7.I've a very good mind to shake you severely, for your contemptible treachery, and your imbecile conceit. '我倒想狠狠地摇撼你,就因为你的可鄙的奸诈,和你那低能的奇想。

8.Man is a clever animal who behaves pke an imbecile.人是聪敏的动物表现如低能儿。

9.Prada flared: 'Don't treat me pke an imbecile! '普拉达怒气冲冲地说:“别把我当作傻瓜!”

10.Only the imbecile loitered at the spike gates, until the Tramp Major had to chase him away.只剩下弱智儿还在收容站大门口流连不去,惹得站长大人不得不亲自出面把他赶跑。