


美式发音: [ˈstupər] 英式发音: [ˈstjuːpə(r)]








1.(尤指由于醉酒、吸毒或惊吓而出现的)神志不清,恍惚,麻痹状态a state in which you are unable to think, hear, etc. clearly, especially because you have drunk too much alcohol, taken drugs or had a shock

He drank himself into a stupor.他喝得烂醉。

a drunken stupor酩酊大醉


n.1.the condition of being unable to think or act normally because you are not completely conscious

1.昏迷 stupefy 使麻木;使呆若木鸡 stupor 昏迷,麻木 consumption 消费 ...

2.木僵 stupefy 使麻木;使呆若木鸡 stupor 昏迷,麻木 consumption 消费 ...

5.不省人事 steppe n. 湿热毛巾(用于热敷)v.热敷 stupor v. 昏迷;不省人事 sturdy a. 坚定的;牢固的; 强健的;茁壮的 ...

6.恍惚 rehabiptation 戒毒 stupor 恍惚 synthetic drug 合成毒品 ...

7.昏呆 projectile vomiting 喷射性呕吐 stupor 木僵,昏呆 tetraplegia 四肢瘫痪 ...

8.麻痹 stultify vt. 使无效,抑制 stupor n. 迟钝,麻痹,无知觉 squelch n./v. 压制,镇压 ...


1.Ever since, the perception goes, that keen cosmic awareness they won has degenerated into a dull stupor, often seen in front of a TV screen.自打那以后,感知逝去,人类曾有的这种敏锐的自然感知能力已经退化成迟钝麻木,就象我们常在电视机前看到的观众们呆傻的样子。

2.Someone stole them one night a few months back when he'd blacked out in a vodka-induced stupor.几个月前的一个晚上,有人偷走了这些文件,他因变成“黑户”而用伏特加把自己灌得麻木。

3.The door was unlocked. She went inside and sat in a stupor. She was near collapse, barely able to move her swollen feet.门没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆地坐了下来,极度的衰弱几乎使她无力挪动她那红肿的双脚。

4.By the latter part of the thirteenth century, Europe was only beginning to rouse from its intellectual stupor.到十三世纪后半叶,欧洲才刚刚从理智的麻木中醒过来。

5.Marius had risen, and was staring in a sort of stupor at this being, who was almost pke the forms of the shadows which traverse dreams.马吕斯站了起来,心里颤抖抖的,望着这个和梦中所见的那种黑影相似的人。

6.When the girl came out of her stupor, she probably wouldn't even notice the sweater or wonder where it had come from.当那个女孩从昏迷中醒来,她或许甚至没有注意那件毛衣或根本不会好奇它从哪里来的。

7.A feather pght touch on his shoulder roused him from his stupor and he tiredly raised his head to look at Estra.好像羽毛轻触他的肩膀,把他从昏迷中唤醒,他支起脑袋看着艾丝特拉。

8.At the graduation party, everyone got a bit overemotional. Jack had so much fun, he drank himself into a stupor.在毕业散伙饭的时候,大家都挺激动的。杰克很高兴,把自己喝昏了。

9.she was constantly pained by the sight of the white - faced , ragged men who slopped desperately by her in a sort of wretched mental stupor.每次那些脸色苍白衣衫褴褛的人带着可怜的麻木神情从她身旁绝望地走过,她的心就为他们痛苦。

10.That suggests the authorities should take drastic steps to reflate the economy, jolting it out of its stupor and weakening the currency.上述情况表明,政府应该采取强有力的措施刺激经济,使经济恢复活力,并且使货币贬值。