




1.约翰逊博士中国文化进行系统的研究,而且一些欧洲重要的思想家如强生博士Dr Johnson)和沃尔泰尔博士(Dr Voltaire)也被中国科 …


1.Dr. Johnson pointed out that this method can also be used for malaria prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.约翰逊博士指出,这种方法还可用于疟疾等传染病的防治。

2."I'll pay the bill. " As he did so, he began to wonder whether Dr. Johnson was worthy of trust.于是特纳医生付了帐,他开始怀疑约翰逊医生是否值得信任。

3.Dr. Johnson: What's the matter with you, Mrs. Lee?约翰逊大夫:你怎么啦,李太太?

4.In the interview, both Dr. Johnson and Dr. Armstrong, seem to suggest that the object idea was and is an important one.在这次采访中,Johnson博士和Armstrong博士都表示,面向对象的思想在过去和现在都是非常重要的。

5.Related Sentence Patterns I wonder if I could come to see Dr. Johnson this afternoon?今天下午我能来找约翰逊大夫看病吗?

6.In his essay "The Proper Means of Regulating Sorrow, " * Dr. Johnson identifies the dreadful uniqueness of grief among the human passions.在论文《调节悲伤的正确方法》中,Johnson博士确定忧伤在人类诸多情感当中具有可怕的独特性。

7.Dr. Johnson shunned tonight any discussion of the perplexed question of fate and free will.今晚,约翰逊博士避免谈论有关命运与自由意志这一疑难问题的话题。

8.Of course the pain Dr. Johnson experienced in his foot was also an idea in his mind, so he wasn't really refuting Berkeley's ideas.当然约翰逊感觉的脚痛也还是他头脑中的一个思想,所以他还未真正驳斥贝克莱的观念。

9.When the bill was brought, Dr. Johnson felt in his pocket. " Oh, dear, " he said.当帐单呈上来时,约翰逊医生摸了摸他的口袋,“哦,亲爱的,”他说。

10.He had a bad habit of keeping worthies pke Dr. Johnson coopng their heels for hours in an anteroom.他有让约翰逊博士等名士在接待室久等的坏习惯。