


美式发音: [ˈθɜr(r)zdeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈθɜː(r)zdeɪ]



复数:Thursdays  同义词

n.maundy thursday



1.星期四the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday


n.1.the fourth day of the traditional working week, coming after Wednesday and before Friday

1.星期四 Tuesday n. 星期二 Thursday n. 星期四 Wednesday n. 星期三 ...

2.周四 周三 Wednesday1, 周四 Thursday1, 周五 Friday2, ...

3.日星期四 礼拜三 Wednesday 礼拜四 Thursday 礼拜五 Friday ...

5.雷神日 wednesday( 主神日), thursday雷神日), friday( 爱神日), ...

6.星期四农庄 BB 霜 Thursday 星期四农庄 Noah 诺亚优+ ...


1.But Elop said on Thursday that Nokia's final assessment was that "we would not be able to differentiate enough" on Android's platform.但是,埃洛普周四表示,诺基亚最终得出的结论是,采用Android平台,“将无法有效地保证诺基亚产品的独特性”。

2.She said that on Thursday afternoon, after the U. S. State Department statement, she received more than 10 requests in two hours.她说,周四下午,在美国国务院发布声明后,她两个小时即收到10余次请求。

3.Dell Inc is getting a marketing makeover, trying to shed its image as a cheaper alternative to rivals, Reuters reported Thursday.据路透社21日报道,全球第二大个人电脑制造商戴尔公司正在进行一场营销策略大调整,试图摆脱其作为竞争对手廉价替代品的形象。

4.Relationships flow smoothly Monday noon to Thursday, but you might meet a bit of deception midday Wednesday.星期一中午到星期四,人际关系平稳流畅,但在周三正午你们可能会遭遇到一点儿欺骗。

5.And on Thursday, a man I was interviewing was struck in the head by an assassin's bullet and collapsed at my feet.而在周四,一位正在接受我采访的男士突然被子弹射中了头部,径直倒毙在我的脚下。

6.Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said he expected to have 'all the streets' in the city plowed by 7 a. m. Thursday.纽约市卫生局局长约翰-多尔蒂(JohnDoherty)称,他希望全城所有街道的雪能在12月39日清晨7点之前全部清扫完毕。

7.White House officials say Thursday's session was just the beginning of the reform process.白宫官员说,星期四的会议不过是改革过程的开始。

8.Come Thursday, the swelpng went down just enough where he could see her a pttle out of the corner of his left eye.到了周四,肿消了一些,他终于勉强能从左眼角看到妻子一点点了。

9.Some of the doubts appeared to dissipate Thursday amid talk of eventual Fed purchases of up to $1 trilpon.周四投资者的上述疑虑有些减弱,市场传言美联储最终将买入多至1万亿美元的资产。

10.A decapitated body wearing an orange jumpsuit was found in the Tigris River Thursday, possibly that of a foreigner taken hostage.周四,伊拉克警察在底格里斯河里发现一名穿着桔红色衣服的无头尸体,估计该尸体是被斩首的外国人质。