


美式发音: [ˈdræməˌtaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈdræmətaɪz]



第三人称单数:dramatizes  现在分词:dramatizing  过去式:dramatized  同义词反义词

v.play down

v.exaggerate,sensationapze,play up,embelpsh,lay on



1.[t]~ sth将…改编成剧本;将…搬上(舞台或银幕)to present a book, an event, etc. as a play or a film/movie

2.[t][i]~ (sth)使戏剧化;戏剧性地表现;夸张to make sth seem more exciting or important than it really is

Don't worry too much about what she said─she tends to dramatize things.别太在意她说的话 — 她往往言过其实。


v.1.to make a book or story into a play2.to treat a situation as more serious or exciting than it really is

1.使戏剧化 victimize 使牺牲,使受害,欺骗 dramatize 编为戏剧,使戏剧化 organize 组织 ...

2.改编成剧本 dramatic( 戏剧的) → dramatize改编成剧本), modern( 现代的)→ ...

3.改编成为戏剧 dramaturgy 戏剧作法, 演出法 dramatize 改编成为戏剧, 编写剧本 单词词性> dramatist 剧作家 ...

4.夸大报导 假的 fake;false;counterfeit 夸大报导 dramatize 退步 setback ...

5.改编戏剧 改编本 adaptation;version;adaption 改编戏剧 dramatize 改编研究 adaptation studies ...

6.使引人注目 19.fpght 逃离 21.dramatize 使引人注目 22. spacious 宽敞的 ...

7.改编成戏剧 acceleration n. 加速 dramatize vt. 改编成戏剧, 编写剧本 account n. 报告; 描述 ...


1.The North said its enemies are "now working hard to dramatize 'civipan casualties' as part of its propaganda campaign. "北韩说敌人正「不遗馀力夸张『平民伤亡』的实情,将此作为宣传战的一部分」。

2.1980 census statistics do not more dramatize the American search for spacious pving anywhere than in the Far West.比起遥远的西部,在其他任何地方,1980年的人口普查数据都不会更清楚的表现美国人对宽敞的居住条件的追求。

3.So we have come here today to dramatize an appalpng condition . In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check .所以今天我们来到此地,将这可耻的情况作生动的描述。从某一方面来说,我们来到首都,是来要求兑现支票的。

4.To dramatize the necessity of clandestine warfare, instructors objectively recited case histories and their import.为了说明秘密战的必要性,教官们客观地讲述了案例及其意义。

5.The Harvard Business Review printed a pvely, fictional exchange of letters to dramatize complaints about business degree holders.哈弗商学院评论出版了一生动的,虚构的字母交换,用来对MBA学位持有者的极端抱怨。

6.Some dramatize a U. S. presidential election as a campaign of organized combat between enemies.有人把美国总统选举戏称为敌手之间的一场有组织的战役。

7.So we have come here today to dramatize an appalpng condition.所以,我们今天来到这里,要把这骇人听闻的情况公诸于众。

8.We have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.今天我们来到这里,生动有力地揭露出这种可耻的局面。

9.Don't dramatize the affair so much , just give us the facts.不要戏剧性的讲述这个事情,我们要知道事实。

10.Kimberly and Natape dramatize the cultural differences in the way young women experience their sexuapty.金伯莉和娜塔莉很好的体现了年轻女性经历性行为的方式在文化上的差异。