




1.德拉克斯r)中那个坏蛋的高尔夫球鞋,《007大破太空城》中德莱克斯(Drax)的兄弟们戴的一顶头盔,《黎明生机》(The Living Daypght…

5.绿双刀侠 ... 3号:美国队长 Captain America 4号:绿双刀侠 Drax 5号:范图门 Fantomex ...

6.毁灭者 wave2 Fantomex 白幽灵(现货) wave2 Drax 毁灭者(现货) wave1 Klaw 克劳(散货) ...

7.回应 Echo 回应 删除 Drax 回应 删除 ...


1."The dramatic rise in coal prices started a year ago, " says Paul Taylor, head of trading at Drax, the UK coal-fired power generator.“煤炭价格大幅上涨始于一年前,”英国燃煤电厂Drax交易主管保罗-泰勒(PaulTaylor)表示。

2.The company said that during the first three months of the year, margins for coal operators hit "historic lows" .Drax说,在本年度的前三个月里,煤炭公司的运营毛利触到了历史低点。

3.Drax has biomass supply contracts in place but refuses to divulge where the material will come from, citing commercial confidentiapty.Drax目前已有生物质能供应合同,但其以商业机密为理由拒绝透露能源材料的来源。

4.Drax, Britain's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, could stop burning coal by the end of the decade.Drax公司是英国最大的二氧化碳排放机构。Drax将以二十年为限期停止燃烧煤炭资源。

5.The company will only go ahead if the government agrees to grant renewable subsidies to such converted coal plants.只有政府同意保证给予转型的煤炭工厂持续的补贴,Drax才能在转型中走下去。

6.This is expected to depress Drax's profits as it must compete with gas plants which are cheaper to run.这就拉低了Drax的利润,因为它必须和那些运营成本低的燃气工厂竞争。

7.Drax buys half its coal supppes from UK miners and imports the other half, so it is heavily exposed to prices in the global market.Drax半数的煤炭供应来自英国煤矿,另外一半来自进口,因此该公司很容易受到全球市场价格变动的影响。

8.Drax insists that all of it will be sustainably sourced.Drax坚称这些都是可持续资源。

9.Drax wants the government's energy review this autumn to provide some certainty before it goes ahead.Drax期待在转型开始之前,补贴的信息能在秋季的政府能源报告中得到确定。

10.Drax, the operator of Western Europe's largest coal-fired power plant, dropped 4. 1 percent.西欧最大的燃煤电力企业德拉克斯集团股价下跌4.