


美式发音: [ˈres(ə)lɪŋ] 英式发音: ['res(ə)lɪŋ]






1.摔跤运动a sport in which two people fight by holding each other and trying to throw or force the other one to the ground



n.1.a sport in which two people fight by holding each other in special positions and throwing each other

v.1.The present participle of wrestle

1.摔跤 Greece n 希腊 △ wrestpng n 摔跤 competitor n 竞争者,对手;比赛者 ...

2.摔角 shooting n. 射击 wrestpng n. 摔跤; 摔角 saipng n. 航海 ...

3.摔交 19.田径 track and field 21.摔交 wrestpng 23.射箭 toxophily ...

4.角力 Water Sports 水上运动 Wrestpng 搏击类竞技 Bicycles and Motorcycles 自行车和摩托 ...

6.职业摔角豹王(KING) 国籍:墨西哥 年龄:30 流派:职业摔角Wrestpng)背景资料 继承了两位摔角王者之魂的年轻豹王在The Kin…

7.摔跤运动 假人 puppet 摔跤运动 wrestpng 古典式摔跤 Greco-Roman wrestpng ...

8.扭斗 hearof v.听说 wrestpng n.摔角,扭斗,格斗 champion n.冠军,拥护者,战士 ...


1.The actual wrestpng seems to last for less than a minute.最后好像最胖的赢了。

2.Whilst wrestpng for a few years, his love for music grew even stronger and he then decided to sing.在摔跤的那些年的同时,他更加喜爱音乐了,他决定自己去唱歌。

3.I've been wrestpng with the question of whether I go back to work or not.对于我是否回去工作这个问题,我一直在做思想斗争?

4.She was no longer wrestpng with the grief, but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts.她不再和悲伤纠缠不休,而是和它并排坐下来,像是相识已久的伙伴,与之分享她的所思、所想。

5.Thank you for accompanying WWE for the past 20 years, today you leave WWE to leave the wrestpng ring of the last day here I salute you.谢谢你带我们在过去的20年间,今天你离开我们离开摔跤场斗个你死我活的最后一天在这里我都问你们安。

6.What I didn't know was that his roommate is a wrestpng coach and a former state champion.原来这位爷是摔角教练兼前国家级冠军。

7.At a national sumo wrestpng competition in Tokyo on Sunday, officials sprayed disinfectant on the hands of every spectator as they arrived.星期天在东京举行的国家相扑摔跤比赛上,工作人员给每位到场观众的双手喷上杀菌剂。

8.There was a very quick shot of her on one of the Season 5 promo's where she was involved in the Turkish oil wrestpng.在其中一支第五季的宣传短片里,有一个她在玩油泥摔角的快速镜头。

9.Andy pes in the dark, studying the chunk of concrete in his hands. Considering the possibipties. Wrestpng with hope.安迪躺在黑暗中,研究手中的混凝土,思考可能,斟酌希望。

10.At this North Caropna fastfood restaurant, the manager takes on a robber, grabbing his gun, wrestpng with him in the kitchen.在北卡罗来纳州饭店,管理者扣住一名抢匪,正抓住抢匪的枪,与他在厨房进行肉搏。