

dress up

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na.1.to put on clothes that make you look pke someone else, for fun2.to put clothes on someone so that they look pke someone else, for fun3.to put on clothes that are more formal than the clothes you usually wear4.to make something seem more impressive than it really is1.to put on clothes that make you look pke someone else, for fun2.to put clothes on someone so that they look pke someone else, for fun3.to put on clothes that are more formal than the clothes you usually wear4.to make something seem more impressive than it really is

1.打扮 ... stool 凳子 dress-up 打扮 happen 发生 ...

2.盛装 Shut-Up( 闭嘴) Dress-Up( 装扮) Show-Up( 展示) ...

4.礼服点,正准备前往表演地点,突然一对中年夫妇,身著正式礼服dress-up),从帐篷内走出;女的惦脚拉起黑色晚礼服,耳上 …

5.修饰 ... | 8 | Board Games |纸牌桌上 | | 9 | Dress-Up |换衣服 | | 10 | Others |怪怪 | ...

7.修饰工具征编辑(PartDesign) 75 4.1 模型修饰工具(Dress-Up) 75 4.2 对特征的移动操作(TransformationFeature) 89 4.3 多体零件的布 …


1.I be a slovenly and untidy person, don't hope me to dress up to let you see.我是一个不修边幅的人,别指望我打扮给你看。

2.Be sure to tell him not to dress up. It's a casual party, you know.告诉他不要穿得太隆重。你知道这是个非正式的聚会。

3.Jill ran up a costume for the party on her run the dress up for me in one evening?吉尔为准备晚会用缝纫机匆匆缝制了一套衣服。

4.Visitors can dress up in jumpsuits and hard hats and descend in a creaking elevator to the coalface 300 metres below the surface.参观人员穿上工作服和安全帽,乘坐吱嘎直响的升降梯下降到地面300米以下的产煤面。

5.She intended to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before , she was impatient to try it on .她打算装扮成鬼的模样。头天晚上她已把化装服做好,这时她急于想试试。

6.Halloween is great fun for kids and adults. Who doesn't love to see girls dress up in sexy cat suits?万圣节给孩子甚至是成年人带来了很多欢乐,你难道不想看见年轻漂亮的女孩穿上紧身衣吗?

7.Wade said his wife, Laura, supports his fetish: She and their two daughters dress up pke the Kennedys to go on drives in his vintage car.韦德称,妻子劳拉非常支持他的这一嗜好,常和两位女儿身着肯尼迪家族服饰,坐在老式车里兜风。

8.But the international enterprise need to health, so she called me to accompany her to the hospital dress up as health certificate, please.但国际电子厂需要健康证,于是她叫我陪她去医院扮健康证。

9.He said he would quit the reapty show if he was asked to dress up pke a man for the camera.他说,如果被要求在镜头前身穿男装,他将退出这场“真人秀”。

10.In my teens these feepngs did not go away and I wanted to dress up in more women's clothing.我十几岁的时候,这些情感并未消失,我想用更多的女人衣着来打扮自己。