


美式发音: [ˈeksəʊˈplænɪt] 英式发音: [ek'sɒpleɪnɪt]






n.1.[Astronomy]extrasolar planet

1.系外行星 so-called 所谓的 exoplanet 外星球 to cram 挤在(狭小的轨道空间内) ...

4.外部行星 ... 07-09 CNN Student News 学生新闻2013-06-03:龙卷风袭击 1. exoplanet n. 外部行星 2. gobble v. 贪婪地吃, …

5.外星行星006年已确认拥有行星和行星系的恒星超过200个。外星行星(exoplanet)的存在是恒星世界的普遍现象之说已是共识。在环绕 …



1.This is the first time the technique has been used to decipher the presence of an exoplanet in the complex dynamics of a binary system.这是第一次应用该学科来检证在复杂的双星系中系外行星的存在。

2.It is the only known "Super-Earth" exoplanet-worlds that have masses between Earth and Neptune-with a confirmed atmosphere.它是唯一的一颗已知的“超级地球”外行星-质量在地球与海王星之间-被证实了有大气。

3.The smallest known exoplanet is Corot-7b, which has a diameter less than twice that of Earth.科罗-7b是已知外部行星中最小的一个,它的直径不超过地球直径的两倍。

4.The largest exoplanet ever discovered is also one of the strangest and theoretically should not even exist, scientists say.科学家们说,迄今为止发现的最大外行星是一颗奇特至极、在理论上不应该存在的行星。

5.No doubt our modepng of exoplanet atmospheres is simppstic.我们对外星大气层的模型无疑是最简单的。

6.In fact, scientists typically call an exoplanet with a mass that's up to 10 times greater than Earth a super-Earth.事实上,科学家通常把质量大于地球最多可达10倍的系外行星叫做“超级地球”。

7.Because the newfound exoplanet orbits so close to its star, it's gravitationally locked to the smaller body.由于这颗新发现的太阳系外行星轨道非常接近其恒星,它的重心被恒星引力紧紧地束缚在较小的一端。

8.Detecting a magnetic field surrounding an Earth-pke exoplanet would prove a promising sign for finding extraterrestrial pfe.如果能够检测到某个象地球一样的太阳系外行星也被磁场包围,就证明有希望找到地球以外的生命。

9.Nevertheless, exoplanet surveys are providing real data to a field long starved of them.不过系外行星的调查正为这个等待已久的领域提供实测数据

10.Other space observatories can use transits to discover details about any atmosphere that might enshroud an exoplanet.有其他的太空观测器,可以利用掩星来发现可能覆盖在系外行星外的大气细节。