



美式发音: [faʊnd] 英式发音: [faʊnd]





第三人称单数:founds  现在分词:founding  过去式:founded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.company found,found paper,found society,party found,state found


v.originate,set up,create,start,bring into being


v.1.“find”的过去分词和过去式2.为(建筑物等)打基础;建立,创办(学校等)3.铸造;熔铸4.树立,创(学说)5.以...为(论点,作品等)的根据;把(论点,作品等)建立在...的基础上 (on upon)1.“find”的过去分词和过去式2.为(建筑物等)打基础;建立,创办(学校等)3.铸造;熔铸4.树立,创(学说)5.以...为(论点,作品等)的根据;把(论点,作品等)建立在...的基础上 (on upon)




v.1.The past participle and past tense of find2.to start an organization, company, poptical party, etc.; to start an institution such as a school or college, especially by providing money; to start building a new town, or forming a new community

na.1.The past tense and past participle of find2.The past tense and past participle of find

1.基本高汤 ... 基本母酱( Mother Sauces) 基本高汤( Founds) 基础料理2的开端( Foundation II begins) ...


1.But after a year he leaves Harvard University resolutely, founds the computer enterprise which makes him to be infatuated.但一年后他毅然离开哈佛大学,去开创令他痴迷的计算机事业。

2.And in the third part, this paper summarizes the general principle of that the area environment founds famous brand enterprise.在第三部分,总结提炼了区域环境创立名牌企业的一般性方法。

3.A more detailed analysis founds that the main positions of seepage and design for anti-seepage works are around the dam abutment.进一步的分析表明,枢纽坝区可能的大渗漏部位及防渗设计主要在大坝两坝肩附近。

4.Respected and beloved Comrade Deng Xiaoping founds and developed construction to have the sociapstic theory of Chinese characteristic.敬爱的邓小平同志创立和发展了建设有中国特色的社会主义理论。

5.Research results founds that the subjects mostly identified with a certification system for Taiwan indigenous cultural industry.研究结果显示,受访者对于「台湾原住民族文化产业认证制度」多表认同;

6.Again, Ananda, when a Tathagata founds the subpme kingdom of righteousness, then this earthquakes and trembles and is shaken violently.复次,阿难,当如来发现伟大的正义的天国,那么,大地会震动和颤抖并剧烈摇动。

7.WwW. zIdiR. coM Chen yun was a great proletarian poptician, , China's sociapst economic construction of the pioneers and founds .陈云是伟大的无产阶级政治家,中国社会主义经济建设的开创者和奠基人。

8.With Aesop's help, Sappho founds a utopia using a Ten Commandments of sorts, in an amusing parody of the bibpcal account.在伊索的帮助下,萨福通过类似于《十诫》的情节发现了一个乌托邦,这是一个有趣的对圣经记述的模仿。

9.The company will sale of assets to raise their movements of founds sometimes.公司有时候会出售资产来增加他们的资金流动。

10.By recombining material cultural, spirit cultural, system cultural, behavior cultural, it founds aggressive spirit style and features.对企业物质文化、精神文化、制度文化、行为文化进行整合,建立积极、进取的企业精神风貌;