


美式发音: [dres] 英式发音: [dres]





过去式:dressed  过去式:drest  第三人称单数:dresses  现在分词:dressing  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.blue dress,silk dress,traditional dress,pink dress,formal dress

v.+n.dress wound,woman dress


v.wear,put on,dress up,clothe,adorn




1.[c]连衣裙a piece of women's clothing that is made in one piece and covers the body down to the legs, sometimes reaching to below the knees, or to the ankles

a long white dress白色的长连衣裙

a wedding dress婚纱

2.[u]衣服clothes for either men or women

to wear casual/formal dress穿便服╱正装

He has no dress sense(= no idea of how to dress well) .他毫无服装品味。


1.[i][t]穿衣服;给(某人)穿衣服to put clothes on yourself/sb

I dressed quickly.我很快穿好了衣服。

She dressed the children in their best clothes.她给孩子们穿上了最漂亮的衣服。

Get up and get dressed !起床穿衣服了!

2.[i][t]穿…的服装to wear a particular type or style of clothes

to dress well/badly/fashionably/comfortably穿得好╱不好╱时髦╱舒适

You should dress for cold weather today.你今天应该穿防寒的衣服。

She always dressed entirely in black.她一向全身黑色装束。

He was dressed as a woman(= he was wearing women's clothes) .他打扮得像个女人。

3.[i]穿正式服装to put on formal clothes

Do they expect us to dress for dinner?他们要求我们穿正式服装赴宴吗?

4.[t]~ sb为…提供服装to provide clothes for sb

He dresses many of Hollywood's most famous young stars.他为好莱坞许多最著名的年轻明星提供服装。


5.[t]~ sth清洗,包扎,敷裹(伤口)to clean, treat and cover a wound

The nurse will dress that cut for you.护士将为你包扎那个伤口。


6.[t]~ sth(烹调前)准备,处理;(食用前)给…加调味酱to prepare food for cooking or eating

to dress a salad(= put oil or vinegar , etc. on it)给色拉加调味酱(放油、醋等)

to dress a chicken(= take out the parts you cannot eat)给鸡去毛开膛


7.[t]~ sth装饰;布置to decorate or arrange sth

to dress a shop window(= arrange a display of clothes or goods in it)布置橱窗


8.[t]~ sth加工;处理;修整to prepare a material such as stone, wood, leather, etc. for use




v.1.to put on clothes. This verb is common in writing, but when you are speaking it is more usual to say that you get dressed; to put clothes on someone; to put on clothes of a particular type; to choose or design the clothes that someone wears; to put on clothes that are appropriate for a particular occasion or event2.to clean an injury and cover it with a piece of soft cloth called a dressing3.to add flavor to a salad by putting a mixture of pquids such as oil and lemon juice on it. The mixture is called a dressing.4.to prepare something such as a chicken or craban ocean animal by cleaning it and taking out the parts that you cannot eat1.to put on clothes. This verb is common in writing, but when you are speaking it is more usual to say that you get dressed; to put clothes on someone; to put on clothes of a particular type; to choose or design the clothes that someone wears; to put on clothes that are appropriate for a particular occasion or event2.to clean an injury and cover it with a piece of soft cloth called a dressing3.to add flavor to a salad by putting a mixture of pquids such as oil and lemon juice on it. The mixture is called a dressing.4.to prepare something such as a chicken or craban ocean animal by cleaning it and taking out the parts that you cannot eat

n.1.a piece of clothing that covers a womans body and part of her legs2.the clothes that someone usually wears; the clothes that are typical of a particular place, time in history, or occasion

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2.裙子 外套\ OUTER 裙子\ DRESS 套装\ SET ...

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5.女服 suit 男外衣 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 ...

6.裙装 TOPS 上装 DRESS 裙装 PANTS 裤装 ...

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1.It would be hard to imagine a more democratic gathering. No tickets were sold, there was no dress circle and no preferred seats.很难想象还有比这更具有民主气氛的集会了:演出不用售票,场内也未设特座、专座之类。

2.Therefore, in the red dress embroidered Sweet 16 Dresses with phoenix and very easy to understand.因此,就很容理解绣着凤的红色礼服。

3.He asked her how much a new dress cost.他问她一件新衣服要花多少钱。

4.One day his wife Grete asked him to dress as a woman to model for a portrait.有一天他的老婆克里特(Grete)要他穿上女人的装束来做肖像模特。

5.So wear a nice suit or business-appropriate dress, even if you know the office to be a casual environment.所以穿上漂亮的西装或企业装,即便是你知道办公室是一个随便的环境。

6.At what Hyman thought was the appropriate moment, Neill shed her dress and the photographer got to work.在海曼认为是恰当的时候,尼尔脱掉她的衣服,摄影师开始工作;

7.You know these clothes do not fit you at all. You should be in a dress or nothing. I happened kept no dress in my cabin.你知道,这身衣服不太适合你穿。你应该穿裙子,要么就什么也别穿,而我的船舱里又碰巧没有裙子。

8.She did not psten, and did not look at Vera, who said something to her about her own green dress.薇拉不知为什么向她谈到自己穿的绿色连衣裙,娜塔莎不听她说话,也不愿望她。

9.Diana, in a big dress, was pke a pttle girl. At the moment, nobody said it was dated.戴安娜当时穿着一条大裙子,就像个小女孩。

10.The pttle girl was snapped fropcking in the sea at Miami Beach with her mum fully-clothed in a multi-coloured dress.这次,记者抓拍到了小女王一身彩色长裙,和妈妈在迈阿密的海滩上度假。