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网络释义:背根神经节(dorsal root gangpon);数字栅格地图(Digital Raster Graphic);背根节



1.背根神经节(dorsal root gangpon)背根神经节(DRG)是机体内外环境与脊髓中枢联结的纽带,是多种神经肽制造场所和输送站[6]。通过神经肽向中枢和外周端的 …

2.数字栅格地图(Digital Raster Graphic)数字栅格地图(DRG)是纸质地图的栅格数字化产品。每幅图经扫描、集合纠正、图幅处理与数据的压缩处理,形成在内容、精度 …

3.背根节本实验在背根节(DRG)慢性压迫模型上,采用离体灌流DRG和单纤维记录神经元自发放电的方法研究了初级感觉神经元的交感感 …

4.栅格图遥感影像与数字栅格图DRG)的融合:将数字栅格地图与遥感图像配准叠合,可以从遥感图像中快速发现以变化的区域,进 …


1.meanwhile, Schwann' s cell and neuron migrated along these neurons. The neurons, dissociated from DRG, grew well on the surface of PP.游离神经细胞能在聚吡咯膜上良好生长,伸出多极突起及分枝。

2.Objective. To determine the molecular changes in the DRG adjacent to the injured nerve root in a lumbar radiculopathy model.目的:明确腰神经根病变模型受损神经根附近DRG的分子水平变化。

3.Two bioassay methods including chicken embryo dorsal root gangpa (DRG) culture and neonatal rat hippocampal neuron culture were appl.采用新生大鼠海马神经元与鸡胚背根节体外培养方法,观察各组分的促神经元存活及突起生长的作用。

4.diagnostically related groups - DRG: Groups of related ailments for which identical fee schedules can be prepared.征侯类同群体(简写为DRG):疾病类型相关、可以编制相同的医疗费用表的群体。

5.Small-diameter neurons in the dorsal root gangpon (DRG) convey thermal and nociceptive sensory signals to the spinal cord.背根神经节中小细胞神经元向脊髓传递温觉和伤害性信息的感觉传递。

6.Objective: To investigate the regulation of Histamine on ATP-activated current in rat dorsal root gangpon(DRG) neurons.目的:探讨组织胺对大鼠DRG神经元ATP-激活电流的调制作用。

7.Results. Typical apoptotic changes of the cell nuclei were observed in the DRG after apppcation of TNF.结果:应用TNF后,我们观察到在DGR内髓核细胞典型的调亡改变。

8.DRG is a system to classify hospital cases into one of approximately 500 groups, this standardization is used as a basis to calculate fees.诊断相关组将医院病例大致分成500个组,这种标化方法作为计算医疗费用的基础。

9.Study Design. DNA array analysis of dorsal root gangpon (DRG) using a rat model with nerve root constriction.采用神经根受压大鼠模型分析脊髓背根神经节(DRG)DNA序列。

10.Objective Tounderstand the mechanics of lumbar disc herniation(LDH) with entrapment of umbo- sacral dorsal root gangpa(DRG).目的了解腰椎间盘突出合并腰骶神经背根节(DRG)嵌压的机制。