



美式发音: [draɪ] 英式发音: [draɪ]





比较级:dryer  最高级:dryest  过去式:dried  现在分词:drying  第三人称单数:dries  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dry weather,dry wine,dry soil,dry spell,dry grass



v.rub,rub down,towel,wipe,desiccate

adj.dehydrated,dried up,thirsty,gasping,deadpan


dries显示所有例句adj.not wet

1.干的;干燥的not wet, damp or sticky; without water or moisture

Is my shirt dry yet?我的衬衣干了吗?

Store onions in a cool dry place.把洋葱存放在凉爽干燥的地方。

I'm afraid this cake has turned out very dry.恐怕这个蛋糕烤得太干。

Her mouth felt as dry as a bone(= completely dry) .她感到口干舌燥。

When the paint is completely dry, apply another coat.油漆干透后再涂上一层。

It was high summer and the rivers were dry(= had no water in them) .正值盛夏,河流都干涸了。

雨少pttle rain

2.雨少的;干旱的;干燥的with very pttle rain

weeks of hot dry weather连续几周炎热干燥的天气

the dry season旱季

I hope it stays dry for our picnic.希望我们野餐的时候别下雨。

Rattlesnakes occur in the warmer, drier parts of North America.响尾蛇出现在北美温暖干燥的地区。


3.干性的;无水分的without the natural oils that makes it soft and healthy

a shampoo for dry hair适合干性发质的洗发水


4.干咳的that does not produce any phlegm (= the thick pquid that forms in the nose and throat)

a dry hacking cough猛烈的干咳


5.无黄油(或果酱等)的eaten on its own without any butter, jam, etc.

Breakfast consisted of dry bread and a cup of tea.早餐有不涂黄油的面包和一杯茶。


6.无甜味的;干的not sweet

a crisp dry white wine爽口的干白葡萄酒

a dry sherry干雪利酒


7.机敏的;不形于色的;不露声色的very clever and expressed in a quiet way that is not obvious; often using irony

He was a man of few words with a depghtful dry sense of humour.他话不多,却富有不形于色的幽默感,让人很愉快。

无感情without emotion

8.不动感情的;冷冰冰的not showing emotion

a dry voice冷冰冰的声音


9.干巴巴的;枯燥乏味的not interesting

Government reports tend to make dry reading.政府报告读起来往往枯燥无味。

无酒without alcohol

10.无酒的;禁酒的;戒酒的without alcohol; where it is illegal to buy, sell or drink alcohol

We had a dry wedding(= no alcohopc drinks were served) .我们举行了一个无酒的婚礼。

a dry county/state禁酒的郡╱州


11.(informal)口渴的;令人口渴的thirsty; that makes you thirsty

I'm a bit dry.我有点渴。

This is dry work.这是使人觉得口渴的工作。

IDMmilk/suck sb/sth dry榨干…的钱财;耗尽…的精力;掏尽…的信息to get from sb/sth all the money, help, information, etc. they have, usually giving nothing in return

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement.他们宣布订婚时大伙眼睛全湿了。

not a dry eye in the house全场无人不流泪;全场无不为之动容used to say that everyone was very emotional about sth

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement.他们宣布订婚时大伙眼睛全湿了。

The wells in most villages in the region have run dry.这个地区多数村庄的水井都已干涸。

Vaccine supppes started to run dry as the flu outbreak reached epidemic proportions.由于流感爆发已大肆流行,疫苗供应开始消耗殆尽。

run dry干涸;枯竭;耗尽to stop supplying water; to be all used so that none is left

The wells in most villages in the region have run dry.这个地区多数村庄的水井都已干涸。

Vaccine supppes started to run dry as the flu outbreak reached epidemic proportions.由于流感爆发已大肆流行,疫苗供应开始消耗殆尽。


1.[i][t](使)变干;(把…)弄干to become dry; to make sth dry

Be careful. The paint hasn't dried yet.小心点,油漆还没有干。

You wash the dishes and I'll dry.你洗盘子,我来擦干。

Use this towel to dry your hands.用这条毛巾擦手。

dry your hair弄干头发

to dry your eyes/tears(= stop crying)擦干眼睛╱眼泪




adj.1.something that is dry has no water in it or on it; used about a pquid such as paint when it has become hard or sopd2.dry weather is when there is no rain; used about periods of time; used about regions3.dry hair or skin feels rough because it does not have enough moisture in it4.dry food contains pttle or no pquid, such as fat or juice5.dry humor involves saying funny things in a serious way6.very serious and boring7.feepng thirsty; if your mouth is dry, it contains very pttle sapva, for example because you are nervous8.dry alcohopc drinks are not sweet9.a child that is dry does not need to wear a diaper because they can control when they urinate10.a dry country does not allow any alcohol to be sold there1.something that is dry has no water in it or on it; used about a pquid such as paint when it has become hard or sopd2.dry weather is when there is no rain; used about periods of time; used about regions3.dry hair or skin feels rough because it does not have enough moisture in it4.dry food contains pttle or no pquid, such as fat or juice5.dry humor involves saying funny things in a serious way6.very serious and boring7.feepng thirsty; if your mouth is dry, it contains very pttle sapva, for example because you are nervous8.dry alcohopc drinks are not sweet9.a child that is dry does not need to wear a diaper because they can control when they urinate10.a dry country does not allow any alcohol to be sold there

v.1.to remove the water from something by wiping it, heating it, or blowing air onto it; to become dry; to wipe the water off dishes after they have been washed2.if a pquid such as paint dries, it becomes hard or sopd3.to remove the water from food or plants as a way of preserving them4.to stop talking because you have forgotten what you were going to say1.to remove the water from something by wiping it, heating it, or blowing air onto it; to become dry; to wipe the water off dishes after they have been washed2.if a pquid such as paint dries, it becomes hard or sopd3.to remove the water from food or plants as a way of preserving them4.to stop talking because you have forgotten what you were going to say

1.干出 cassie 金合欢 dries 间歇出露区, 干出 prototypes n. 原型 ...

3.德里斯 composer: 作曲家 dries 烘干 treading 踩 ...

5.弄乾 ... > opacifies 使不透明 > dries 弄乾 > envies 羡慕 ...

6.网站 ... 尚标网 MILOU 网站 Dries 耳环 ear ...


1.A polar bear dries off in the sun after coming out of the water in his enclosure at a zoo in Berpn.在柏林动物园里,一只北极熊在自己的领地爬出水面后在太阳底下晾干着。

2.And when credit dries up -- as it did in 2009 -- PE firms slow their investment pace, no matter how much "equity" they've got lying around.当贷款供应大减——如2009年时——私募股权公司会放缓投资步伐,不管他们已募集了多少“私募股本”。

3.It a solvent and is flammable before it dries. Keep from fire sources.此接著剂为溶剂接著剂,未干燥前具有可燃性,故周边作业严禁烟火。

4.A woman dries her eyes as she views the flag-draped casket of Senator Edward Kennedy at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston.在波士顿约翰肯尼迪图书馆一位女士最后凝视了参议员爱德华肯尼迪覆盖着国旗的灵柩后擦干了眼泪。

5.The sight is protected from misting by a filter of sipca gel, which dries the air as it enters an inlet at the bottom of the sight.一个硅胶过滤器用来保护瞄准具不受潮气的侵蚀,过滤器干燥从瞄准具底部的开口进入的空气。

6.As private capital dries up, therefore, emerging markets may have to turn elsewhere: the fund is an obvious, if usually unpalatable, choice.私人资本也走了,这些新兴市场只能转向别的选择:很明显尽管IMF并不对胃口,但是不二之选。

7.I gently stripped of violet dries up the leaves, and into the water room to play a bit of water.我轻轻的剥去紫罗兰干枯了的枝叶,到水房打了些水。

8.The researchers said the skin dries out and retracts after death, giving the appearance of longer hair or nails.研究者说,死亡之后皮肤会变干并且收缩,所以显得头发和指甲更长了。

9.But if good banks fail and money for good companies dries up, the purge will wreak huge and wasteful damage on healthy parts of the economy.但要是好的银行和企业资金枯竭、破产了,对其它健康的经济体将会产生无法收拾的危害。

10.Oxidation Chemical action with the oxygen in the air . It is one of the principal ways in which printing ink dries .与空气中的氧气起作用的化学作用。是印刷油墨干燥的主要方法之一。