




1.喝啤酒 cheers( 干杯) drink beer喝啤酒) drink wine( 喝白酒) ...

2.一口喝掉后,老板走了过来,我买了啤酒(Buy Beer),一口喝掉(Drink Beer),味道还不错,喝到第三杯时,突然听到一个客人说,他 …


1.In the shadows of a side street off Aarbergergasse, a man and a woman lean against a wall, drink beer, and eat smoked beef.从阿勒拜尔街拐下来的一条小街的暗处,一男一女倚着墙喝啤酒吃熏肉。

2.Zhi said he will see a film by himself in the evening, then visit a local bar, drink beer and chat with friends until midnight.智成冠表示,光棍节晚上他会选择独自去看电影,然后和好友一起去当地的一家酒吧,喝喝啤酒、聊聊天,直到深夜。

3.The men also don't measure a good night out in terms of how many pints of beer they drink - beer is just not thought of in that way.男人也不根据他们喝多少品脱酒来衡量一个好的夜晚——不能用那种方式考虑酒。

4.Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.给男人一条鱼,他会吃一天;交给他如何钓鱼,他会坐在船上,喝一整天啤酒。

5.At the moment we as local same, sitting to chat in lakefront, drink beer, in enjoying a trip this leisurely and comfortable halcyon.此刻的我们如同当地人一样,在湖畔坐着聊天、喝啤酒,享受旅行中这份闲适的宁静。

6.And when you are not in class or studying, you just want to relax and hang out with friends, play computer games, or drink beer.除了学习的时间,你只是想和朋友们出去玩儿,或是通过电脑游戏,喝啤酒来放松自己。

7.We hold hot dog to drink beer and exhale white cript: and looking at the face of the other party hazy in fog cript: .我们捧着热狗喝啤酒,呼出白气,看着对方的脸在雾气里朦胧。

8.It's illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while you're sitting on a curb in St. Louis!在圣路易斯,坐在路缘上喝从酒桶里接下来的啤酒就违反了法律。

9."The cows do not drink beer, " he told me, before pausing to add, "but they do get massages. "“牛并不喝啤酒,”他告诉我,略微停顿后又加了一句,“但是给牛按摩这确实是真的。”

10.It's illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer from a bucket.坐在该市任何街道的路边以及从啤酒桶喝啤酒是违法的。