



美式发音: [drip] 英式发音: 


v.滴落;滴下 湿透;漏下;使滴下

abbr.(=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)【商】红利再投资计划


过去式:dripped  现在分词:dripping  第三人称单数:drips  同义词反义词







1.[i](+ adv./prep.)滴下to fall in small drops

She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.她很热,汗水滴入双眼。

Water was dripping down the walls.水从墙上滴落下来。

2.[i][t]滴出;滴水to produce drops of liquid

The tap was dripping.龙头在滴水。

Her hair dripped down her back.她头发上的水顺着后背滴落下来。

Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere!小心点,你把颜料滴得到处都是!

3.[i][t]含有;充满;充溢to contain or hold a lot of sth

The trees were dripping with fruit.树上挂满了果子。

His voice dripped sarcasm.他的话语中充满了讥讽。


1.[sing]滴落;滴水声;滴答声the sound or action of small drops of liquid falling continuously

The silence was broken only by the steady drip, drip of water from the roof.只有屋顶上滴答滴答持续不断的滴水声打破了寂静。

2.[c]水滴;滴液a small drop of liquid that falls from sth

We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips.我们在屋顶漏洞下放了一个水桶接水滴。

3.[c](静脉)滴注a piece of equipment that passes liquid food, medicine or blood very slowly through a tube into a patient's vein

She's been put on a drip .她一直在输液。

4.[c](informal)怯懦讨厌的人;愚蠢胆怯的人a boring or stupid person with a weak personality

Don't be such a drip─come and join in the fun!别犯傻了,过来一起玩吧!



abbr.1.【商】(=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)红利再投资计划

v.1.to fall as drops of liquid, or let liquid fall as drops

n.1.the sound or action of a liquid falling in drops2.one of the small drops of liquid that fall from something3.[Medical & Healthcare]a piece of equipment used in a hospital for putting a liquid such as medicine directly into your body4.a small amount of something such as information that you get regularly5.<informal>someone who you think is very weak or boring6.[Construction]a protective groove cut in a sill or other overhang of a wall or building to cause water to drip freely1.the sound or action of a liquid falling in drops2.one of the small drops of liquid that fall from something3.[Medical & Healthcare]a piece of equipment used in a hospital for putting a liquid such as medicine directly into your body4.a small amount of something such as information that you get regularly5.<informal>someone who you think is very weak or boring6.[Construction]a protective groove cut in a sill or other overhang of a wall or building to cause water to drip freely

abbr.1.[Business](=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)

1.水滴 ...  Blue mist 蓝色迷雾  Drips 水滴  Wavy 水波 ...

2.滴下 PVC 聚氟乙烯 Drips 滴下 Yes 有 ...

3.点滴 ... students 沪上学生 drips 点滴 exams 高考 ...

4.滴滴 (153字) fract 滴滴 drips (136字) zzh.1981 ...

5.股利再投资计划增加的股份。之所以称其为股息再投资计划(DRIPs),是因为这些计划允许你把赚取的股息红利保留在存款账户上,用来购买 …

造句带翻译释义:,滴落,水滴,点滴,滴答滴答的声音,滴下,滴下的液体[油汁等],滴注,滴下 湿透,漏下,使滴下,滴滴,股利再投资计划

1.The power of the waterfall is nothing but a lot of drips working together.无数的水滴汇集到一起,才形成瀑布的威力。

2.Sometimes water drips directly to the floor, so the mineral matter builds upward, like an upside-down icicle. This is called a stalagmite.有时,水直接朝地下滴,于是,矿物质向上堆积,像倒挂的冰柱。这叫做石笋。

3.The facade of stone drips, arcs , and blossoms as if it were vegetable.岩石滴水、圆拱和花朵的立面把它装点得如植物般花团锦簇。

4.Finally my relative took me to the communal hospital and the nurse put a few bottles of glucose drips on me, then I recovered.最后我的亲戚带我去共同医院和护理放几瓶葡萄糖滴在我的话,我就痊愈了。

5.But the sky is clear and I watch as the sun drips down the hills like honey.但天空明朗,我看着阳光如蜂蜜般泻下山丘。

6.Gentleman: A man who, when his wife drips something, pushes it to where she can pick it up more easily.绅士:一个当妻子掉了东西,他却把其推到她可以更容易捡起的地方的人。

7.Her wrist drips with jewelry, expensive-looking stuff, the kind you could get only at a place like Mercurio.她的手腕上缀着首饰,看上去很贵的那种,只有在像“水星”那样的店里才能买到。

8.The artwork drips off the ceiling like stalactites in a cave and is surrounded by patterns meant to symbolize the sea.这项穹顶艺术呈现钟乳石洞般的景观风貌,外围还有象徵海洋的花纹。

9.Speaking of the depression, ZhongChangHui people brain emerged the image: sister Lin, always drips groans all day tears.说起抑郁症,人们脑海中常会浮现出林妹妹的形象:整天唉声叹气,动不动就淌眼泪。

10.I put my hand into the bloody gap at the bottom of my ribs. Her name drips through my fingers: Isolde.我用手捂着肋骨底部那淌血的伤口。她的名字从我指间滴落:伊索尔德。