



美式发音: [ˈseɪlzmən] 英式发音: ['seɪlzmən]






n.1.a man whose job is to help customers and sell things in a store2.a man whose job is to sell the products or services of a particular company, especially by traveling to different places

1.推销员 人事部经理: The personnel manager 业务员: Salesmen 手板部主管: Palm director ...

3.售货员 ... Magazine/ Newspaper 杂志/报纸 Salesmen 售货员 Friends/ Family 朋友/家庭 ...

4.赵红女士资员工人数:主要经营地点:11-50人天津联系方式赵红女士(salesmen)电  话:86-022-25881222传  真:86-022-25301777地 …

5.西忠先生联系人: 吴西忠先生(salesmen)网站:http://fs.qincai网址被屏蔽/corp-23277.html 邮编: 地址:中国广东 佛山市禅城区 南海里水镇草 …


1.Li Shuling intruded into the consulate with her two salesmen to ask for business datas, how could they succeed?当时李淑玲领着两个业务员闯到领事馆向人家要商务资料,这哪里能要得到呢?

2.The salesmen are proud of their position and of the status and importance they enjoy within the company.销售员们不仅对他们的岗位而且对他们在公司中享有的地位及重要性感到自豪。

3.His wife points to a small sticker above the doorbell that reads: Salesmen and miscellaneous freeloaders will be summarily executed.妻子指着门铃上的一小块贴纸:推销员和闲杂人等要就地正法。

4.A: It seems to me that the salesmen receive some special training.依我看,销售员似乎接受了一些特殊的训练。

5.for the function of my department , and of most other departments , is to help the salesmen sell .因此我的部门以及其他的大多数部门的职能就是协助销售人员的推销,

6.In their rush, with tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples.每一个营销人员都手里拿着机票,提着公文包和行李,急急冲冲地赶飞机。

7.That's because a salesmen could be closer to hitting a particular sales threshold and might be more motivated to work for your deal.那时因为推销员可能离冲击某一个销售门槛很近了,更有动力促成你的交易。

8.Those buying house are salesmen. Fixed income of staffs in the office is only adequate to support family and can be rich.买房的,多数是做销售的,办公室人员的固定收入,只能养家,不能发达。

9.You can see that administrative office, salesmen, breeding families and forage shops are laughing at the hanging of a poisonous duck.你可以看到,行政官、推销员、饲养户、饲料商,在悬挂的毒鸭子前哄笑。

10.He was one of those plausible salesmen.他是那些花言巧语推销员中的一个。