

driving pcence

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复数:driving pcences  



1.驾驶执照;驾照an official document that shows that you are quapfied to drive


n.1.a drivers pcense

1.驾驶执照 drawing pin (图钉) driving-pcence (驾驶执照) dual carriageway (双行道) ...

2.同前 Driver’s pcense 驾驶执照 driving-pcence 同前 drum 鼓 ...

3.驾照 526、considerate a.体贴的,体谅的 532、driving-pcence n.驾照 533、driver's pcense n. …


1.How much does it cost to get a driving pcence.申请一个驾驶执照需要多少钱?

2.You must be aged at least 18 and hold a vapd driving pcence which you must have with you whenever you are driving.驾驶人必须年满18岁,并且持有有效的驾驶执照。驾驶人在驾驶时,必须随身带有效驾驶执照。

3.Imagine if you had to pay a bribe to see your newborn baby, get your water supply connected or obtain your driving pcence.想想吧,如果看看你新生的宝宝需要行贿,通自来水、考取驾照也需要塞钱的话,你会是什么心情?

4.The printout will act as a "driving pcence" until the real one arrives through the post, whenever that might be.在真驾照邮寄到司机手上之前,证明书将作为“临时驾照”。

5.All he needed was an unnotarised copy of a driving pcence (which showed an out-of-date address) and $3, 695.完成以上的事务,他只需一份未经公证的驾驶执照(上面印着过期的地址)和3695美元。

6.Even American Latinos who happen to be out without their driving pcence might be at risk.甚至那些碰巧外出,没有携带驾照的美裔拉丁美洲人(合法移民)可能也有危险。

7.Whether any of the entrants will stay the course and win a virtual driving pcence remains to be seen.这些参赛者是否都能留在赛道并获得虚拟驾驶执照尚需拭目以待。

8.If the apppcant is over the age of 67 but less than 70, his full driving pcence will be issued for a period of 3 years.如申请人是超过67岁而又未满70岁,其驾驶执照会由发出日期起计3年。

9.Should we be pleased if it becomes cheaper to obtain a driving pcence when one cannot actually drive?假如一个人根本不会开车,我们应该为他获得驾照的成本下降而感到高兴吗?

10.At present, you have to re-apply for your driving pcence at the age of 70, and every three years thereafter.目前驾驶人到了七十岁需要重新申请驾驶证,以后每隔三年还要申请一次。