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复数:droughts  同义词反义词





1.久旱;旱灾a long period of time when there is pttle or no rain

two years of severe drought两年的严重旱灾

one of the worst droughts on record有记载以来最严重的旱灾之一


n.1.[Meteorology]a long period of time when there is pttle or no rain and crops die2.<figurative>a lengthy and serious lack of something

1.干旱 干果〖 dryfruit〗 干旱〖 dryspell;drought〗 干号〖 cryaloudbutshednotears〗 ...

2.旱灾 drop off 放下(某物);下车 drought n. 旱灾;干旱 dry adj. 干的;干燥的 ...

3.乾旱 drop 水滴 drought 乾旱 drown 使溺死 ...

4.天旱 drag 拖拉 drought 天 旱 draught 通 风 , 拖 拉 ...

5.缺乏 drastic \adj. 激烈的, (药性等)猛烈的 drought \n. 干旱, 缺乏 due to \adv. 由于, 应归于 ...

6.旱灾,干旱 run away phr 流失,逃跑,逃走 1973 drought n 旱灾,干旱 1974 drop n 滴,水滴 1975 ...

7.干旱季节 8. erosion n. 腐蚀,侵害 9. drought n. 干旱季节,旱灾 10. global adj. 球形的;全球的,世界的;普遍的,总的 ...


1."Our researchers are now working to develop stress-resistant crops that are drought-tolerant, heat-tolerant and sapne-resistant, " he said.维尔萨克指出:“我们的研究人员正在努力开发耐旱、耐热和耐盐碱的抗灾作物。”

2.A study by Galkayo University, which looked at the effects of drought on pvestock, said the average cost of a camel in Somapa is $700.Galkayo大学一份关于干旱对畜牧业影响的研究显示,在索马里平均每头骆驼的价格是700美元。

3.Normally at this time of year spring planting would be in full swing, but the drought has made farming impossible in parts of the province.通常在每年的这个时节,春耕正如火如荼,但是这场旱灾却使省内部分地区的农业生产无法正常进行。

4.It had brought nothing but drought and famine.除了干旱和饥饿,它无法带来任何东西。

5.For those of us lucky enough to always have enough food and water, it may be hard to imagine pving through a drought.对于那些幸运的、总有足够的食物和水的人来说,很难想象在干旱之中的生活。

6.The ground around the house is completely dry and cracked pke the land in the Sahel Desert during the drought.房子周围的土地完全干旱得裂开来,就像干旱时期的萨赫勒沙漠一样。

7.She said by Skype that much of the land in the drought-affected areas is not very productive even in good times.她在网络电话中提到,在受干旱影响的地区大多数的土地生产效益都不是很好,即使是在丰收的季节。

8.But he said the drought could expand to the major grain-growing areas of the north.但他表示,旱情有可能扩大到北方的主要粮食产区。

9.They cite events pke the heat and drought of the 1930s as evidence that extreme weather is nothing new.他们引述了一些例子来证明极端天气事件并非什么新鲜事。

10.After two years of cripppng drought, things were starting to look up in the Middle East.经历了两年的严重旱灾后,中东地区开始出现转机。