




1.新闻网站 转笔者之家 9GAG 笑点低 reddit 幻想评论 io9 ...

5.红迪网上44,600英镑,约合7万美元,昨天发布在新闻网站红迪上(reddit),标题是:“我的一个朋友是餐厅服务生,这是一张15名奥运 …


1.Reddit's Edberg said the company is sticking with Amazon for now, but "we always have our eyes open for something that's superior. "Reddit的Edberg说,公司现在还在和亚马逊一起坚持,但是”我们总是关注着,看是否有比亚马逊更好的产品“。

2.Reddit, one of the better-known sites to go down due to the error, said it has 700 EBS volumes with Amazon.一个比较知名的网站因为这个错误导致网站的衰弱。它说,他们在亚马逊租用了700个服务器的数据存储量。

3.Perhaps in your Reddit conversations you run into the occasional user who always seems to cause trouble.也许在Reddit对话中,您还会遇到那些偶然到访的用户,而这些用户往往会制造很多麻烦。

4.Started a website back in 2005, with a few friends of mine, called Reddit. com.我跟一群朋友在2005年建立了一个网站,叫做Reddit网址被屏蔽。

5.There doesn't appear to be a very high threshold for the number of votes a video needs to appear on Reddit. tv.而且一个视频要出现在Reddit.tv中所需要的投票数似乎并不是很多。

6.Reddit was originally coded using Lisp and launched on just a single server, he says.Reddit最初是用Lisp开发的,上线时只有一台服务器。

7.Unpke in the U. S. , the German blogosphere also doesn't have large social news sites pke Digg or Reddit to bring readers to blogs.同美国不同,德国博客圈没有Digg或Reddit这样能将读者吸引到博客上来的的大型社交新闻网站。

8.One of the more interesting recent SQLAlchemy-related projects is the Website reddit. com.最近一个较有兴趣的SQLAlchemy相关项目就是Websitereddit网址被屏蔽。

9.It's reminiscent of the excellent StumbleUpon Video but more timely, less repetitious and less full of commercials.它让我们了想起了同样也很出色的StubleUpon视频页面,但是Reddit的要更及时,内容的重复性以及广告要更少。

10.Some changes may date back to December, when Reddit users noticed that Google was making adjustments.有些变化可以追溯到十二月,用户Reddit发现,谷歌正在作出调整。