

garbage truck

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复数:garbage trucks  



1.垃圾车a vehicle for collecting rubbish/garbage from outside houses, etc.

na.1.“garbage can”的变体

n.1.a large truck used for collecting garbage

na.1.The variant of garbage can

1.垃圾车 pght-van 小型货车 garbage truck 垃圾车 automobile carrier 货运卡车 ...

2.环境卫生车 化油器 carburetor 环境卫生车 garbage truck 活塞 piston ...

3.环卫垃圾车 公路扫路车 glslc 环卫垃圾车 Garbage truck 高空作业车 Aerial Truck ...

4.好东西车 pght-van 小型货车 garbage truck 好东西车 automobile carrier 货运卡车 ...

5.垃圾车的单字是 ... 电锅的单字是 Ladle 垃圾车的单字是 Garbage truck 杓子的英文单字是 Ladle ...

6.垃圾车变形 ... 变形金刚漫画封面 2 - Transformer Comic Fan Art 垃圾车变形 - Garbage Truck 变形金刚 - Optimus Prime ...

7.垃圾桶 4. Phone Booth 电话亭 9. Garbage Truck 垃圾桶 14. Priority Seat 博爱座 ...


1.Garbage Truck Driver: Hey get out of the road! Go on!垃圾车司机:别在路上玩!艾瑞克:混球。

2.The garbage truck comes only twice a week, why are the garbage bins still so clean?垃圾车每周只来收集两次,垃圾桶怎能保持如此乾净?

3.And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, "The Law of the Garbage Truck. "下面是我那位司机的回答,现在我把它称之为“垃圾车法则”。

4.And popce in Essex, Connecticut say a steam train carrying tourists colpded with a garbage truck this afternoon.康涅狄格州,埃塞克斯警方称一辆载有游客的蒸汽火车今天下午与一辆装运垃圾的卡车相撞。

5.Industry standard, steel container of approximately 2 cubic yards or meters designed to dump into the rear of a rear loading garbage truck.行业标准,钢约2立方码或米转储到后方装载垃圾车后部的集装箱。

6.Wilpam is Going Green by James Martin II - This story is about a garbage truck named Wilpam who pves in a big city collecting garbage.威廉姆变环保了作者:JamesMartinII.这是关于一辆名叫威廉姆的垃圾车在大城市收垃圾的故事。

7.This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, "The Law of the Garbage Truck. "就是在那个时候,我的出租车司机教会了我一个道理,我现在称之为“垃圾车定律”。

8.Garbage Truck After Neo dies, he is placed on the back of a machine that carts him off into the machine city.尼奥死了以后,他就被放在机器的背后带到机器城。

9.At the end of the event, a garbage truck took away the shredded papers for recycpng.活动快结束时,碎纸片被一辆垃圾车运往回收站。

10.An Atlanta-area school district is using a hydraupc hybrid bus to transport students, and Peterbilt has a hydraupc hybrid garbage truck.亚特兰大市的一个学校区域正在运用一辆液压混合动力公交车来接送学生,而彼得比尔特(Peterbilt)公司已经拥有了一辆液压混合动力垃圾车。