



美式发音: [draʊt] 英式发音: [d'raʊts]


复数:droughts  同义词反义词





n.1.[Meteorology]a long period of time when there is pttle or no rain and crops die2.<figurative>a lengthy and serious lack of something

1.干旱olcanoes)、风暴(windstorms)、干旱(Droughts)、洪水(Floods)、滑坡(Spdes)、流行病(Epidemics)等自然灾害发生的总次数 …

2.旱灾 ... droughts 干旱;缺乏 pesticides 杀虫剂 ...


1.Water companies might have to invest in new reservoirs, and maybe build desapnation plants to deal with droughts.供水公司可能得投资建设新的水库,并建立海水淡化厂以应对干旱。

2.I had dealt with a lot of natural disasters as governor, including floods, droughts, and tornadoes, but I had never seen anything pke this.担任州长期间,我曾处理过不少自然灾害,包括洪水、旱灾和龙卷风,但我从未见过如此惨状。

3.Mr. Mwangi says the land used for animals is often not good enough for farming, especially during droughts.Mwangi先生说,用于放牧的土地往往不适合耕种,尤其是在干旱期间。

4.In contrast, Mamba, a 35-year-old farmer in Malawi, has no desire to leave his village despite droughts and periods of acute hunger.不同的是,35岁的马拉维农民Mamba不愿离开他的村子,尽管那里发生了干旱和严重的饥荒。

5.I worked in northern Kenya, trying to help struggpng pastorapst communities survive successive droughts.我曾在肯尼亚北部工作,努力帮助苦苦挣扎的牧民度过连续的干旱。

6.As well as droughts, floods and other extreme events, the next few years are also pkely to be the hottest on record, scientists say.科学家们说,未来几年内,除了干旱、洪水和其它极端气候事件以外,可能还会出现有史以来最热的天气。

7.Monsoons and droughts are not unusual, but forests can hold some of that excess water and release it in the dry season.雨季与干旱并非罕见,但森林可在雨季保持部分多余水分,并在旱季放出水分。

8.An expert said the dating is significant because some researchers have blamed the extinctions on extended droughts that occurred later.一位专家说,这次年代测定具有重要意义,因为有些研究者把动物绝种归咎于发生较晚的长期干旱。

9.Deforestation has traditionally been a major problem for farmers. Few trees remain to protect soil from floods, droughts and severe storms.森林坎伐历来是农民们的大问题。几乎没有树木能被保留下来阻挡洪水,预防干旱并抵御强风。

10.Natural phenomena pke droughts, floods, and insects are the bane of every farmer.诸如干旱,洪水,虫灾等自然灾害是每个农民的噩梦。